Wednesday, February 11, 2009


These wars I fought against everyone.
*Due to the loss of my evidence of the 1980-1990 psywars;as well as attacks on the White House again,this war I keep classified Top Secret.It is still a 3ttpe code operation[code level 3 threat,top priority emergency operation].
*Until later,these operations will remain classified to secret. In 1990, the C.I.A. of Houston,Texas was terminated by Melissa. The male Russian psyops groups began their psywar on myself eventually. This resulted in a massive attack on me that was extremely overloading; yet, interesting. Since 1990, I have been held; by my command, in a specific electronic quarantine. I told the Houston branch C.I.A. to keep me there as well as keep me top secret in classification. I was found, the quarantine infiltrated, and attacked once again. I used special electronics and satellites to contain the groups. Noone can escape at the present date of 8/7/2012. I have been attacked by the Naval counterintelligence agency commanding officer Agent Patry [alias Petry]. I was also attacked by the Army counterintelligence agency commanding officer. Agent Patry hired a "doctor Sphyncter" to handle my case against my desires. As of this date of 8/7/2012, I am critically damaged in my brain, completely terminated from freedom of movement, and losing the psywar partially. Every group is using electronics to hold my "mind" open so enemy operatives can terminate my data; after learning my data. The world future will contain extremely psychotic trance channeling men, femmales, and children who use [even now] electronics for carrier waves to terminate other people's minds for mind control and destruction purposes. Spirit warfare is also used. While in the newer enemy "quarantine", people of extremely high intelligence worldwide are linked onto electronics and held for use in warfare by the psychotic groups who desire to destroy the world. Torture is predominant in this quarantine. I have been extremely tortured by these operatives to the point of bleeding internally, and choking. I have as yet not succombed to the operatives demands. In turn, I will attempt to find a method of terminating their lives. These groups are the top criminal groups of the world. They have the top people here where I am located [at 1915 Texas Ave. Texas city, Texas]. They are locked in my quarantine as well as Myself being locked into theirs. I have contacted every agency from the army and Navy counterintelligence through the F.B.I. and other agencies; as I usually have been doing since the yewar 1981. I am the last remaining witness and evidence holder of every operative worldwide of these and other "secret" operations groups. At present, noone is winning extensively. The "secret" groups; as well as myself, have the most advanced weaponry worldwide. new designs are being created daily. I am attempting to terminate the mind programmings of these operatives presently. In the near future, I hope to see extreme progress in the elimination of these operatves. September 15,2012: For the governments to terminate the operations of the cannabals, I have beenn terminated by Melissa [The American Psychotic operative], Agent Patrty of the Naval Counterintelligence, David Wilson [Cannibalistic homosexual], and Agent Mcconnel [Army Military Intelligence]. The operatives have been blaming me for David Wilson's Cannabalistic homosexuality. They have been programming me in his psychoses. The operstioves will be killed soon; if everything goes well. The operatives are attempting to terminate the society into believing their stories. By doing that, they are terminating society into their own psychoses. Many innocent people wee killed or destroyed because of that. Still, Marine Intelligence, Army intelligence, Melissa, David, and McConnel are keeping evidence hidden. That assists operatives in blaming innocent witnesses for their insane operations. My evidence has al;so been concealed by operatives for the same reason. The operatives frquent my location at Texas City, Texas. They live across the street of Palmer Highway themselves. The government; of course, is utilizing cyberpunk operatives for operations to allow them to be blamed in case of witness testimonies against the operations and operatives. If nothing is done about the operatives, there will be psychotic government operatives terminating societies worldwide. The operatives need to be killed soon. The governments here are completely psychotic. They have infiltrated my information; and are presently programming me in psychotic homosexual cannabalistic data. The governments do that to everyone who does not take blame for [or "cooperate"] with them. I have been programmed in the similar data as Jeffrey Dahmer. The governments programmed him into being blamed for cannabalistic homosexualitty. In fact, Jeffrey Dahmer went to church a minimal of 3-4 times a week. I am still going to fight; even to the death to kill these operatives. The operatives already blamed me for their insanity; and refuse to do anything about these issues. I am the only remaining operative as yet. The last of the innocent people are programmed into psychotic operations already. They must be killed. I have very little time before these operatives kill all of my spirits and innocence. It is time to kill theirs. Ther are no people to assist me. I am being held down by psychotic electronics while other operatives program their cannabalistic psychoses in my mind. If they are not killed immediately, the entire Earth will become psychotic as they. Mercenaries interested in fighting thisr should report to 21st street and Texas avenue area. This is located in Texas City, Texas. Kill EVERYONE here. Leave no man, woman, or child alive; that includes everyone; excepting local Police.

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