Wednesday, February 11, 2009


*this was an electronic psywar against me that was used for various reasons.firstly,I was determined to be expendible due to the fact my father was a mafia operative.
*A.O.P.S. and W.P.O.G. were enemies at that time
*at Robbie street in La Marque,Texas,i saw a woman's spirit who attempted to try to allow her to take me with her to some place.I said "no".She sympathized with me.She was part of the government intelligence later to be known as A.O.P.S.[armaggedon operative,psywar specialist].
*later,I saw an image of a man on my television.he asked me about what i thought about certain technologies.I told him I was busy.He showed me images of hypersonic jets and asked me what i thought about them.I told him "go to hell,i am busy watching my show".He obviously became angry.
*he was part of the Russian W.P.O.G.[world power organization group].He attempted to use psywar electronics to program me into homosexuality,stealing,destroying property,killing animals,and other heinous crimes.I hated homosexuality;and never was programmed into it.a short time later,I began stealing from stores,my parents,and other places.I hated it;but,I did it anyway.I never thought of,nor desired to steal anything;or,commit any crimes.I also killed cats, and detroyed property.I also hated it;even while i did it.
*at the age of 12,a man[neighbor]who was 28 years of age at that time;raped and sexually abused me until I was 14 years of age.I told my parents about it:but,they did nothing.I also told them to contact the Police;but,they did nothing.Finally,I attempted to kill him with chemicals. I failed;but,he was very ill for a short time.
*both sides lost the war to me.
*after the war,I was the sole survivor who could not be programmed;excepting the Police and F.B.I.
*I began to practise;and develope,my psychic capabilities.
I continually heard high frequencies.I perceived them to be television frequencies.They were annoying;and sometimes,even very strong.

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