Here is a small list of martial arts i know
*glima wrestling
*goju ryu karate
*shito ryu karate
*shorin ryu karate
*atemi waza
*hun gar kung fu
*kung fu wu su
*hapkido karate
*chuan fa
*pa kua
*hwarang do karate
*tae kwon do karate
*dim mak
*dim muk
*tai pei
*mu duk kwon karate
*chin ching chao[the golden bell cover]
*scorpion kung fu
*kung chao
*hung fut
*choy mok
*hopei hsing i
*fat ging jutsu
*fa ging jutsu
*ting ging jutsu
*lau gar kung fu
*choy gar kung fu
*li gar kung fu
*mok gar kung fu
*shansi kung fu
*honan hsing i
*shuai jao
*wu tai chi chuan
*sun tai chi chuan
*lung ying kung fu
*6 harmony kung fu
*chang chuan kung fu
*tai sing pap kar moon
*10000 lotus petals
*tagake yoshin ryu jutaijutsu
*shinden fudo ryu dakentaijutsu
*nin-po mikkyo ninpo
*great sage monkey kung fu wong
*ch'in ch'iung's killing square rods
*tai tsu's boxing while swallowing a bronze ball
*shaolin endless boxing
*serrada eskrima
*cern do jutsu
*dragon well darn gim jutsu
*woo dip do jutsu
*kuk sool
*keijoukai aikido
*tibetan kung fu
*chin na
*p'ai chang
*hua t'o
*k'd shio tao
*kokikan karate
*ch'o chiao
*tai i ch'uan
*mi tsung i
*li chia ch'uan
*pa ch'uan
*tsujan men
*t'ang lung
*hua t'o
*yimm wing chun kung fu
*wm mui
*sacred mirrors kung fu
*blue lantern kung fu
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I am a 9th degree red belt and purple sash ranking martial artist.I had 2 schools that i formed in the 1979 and 1981 time period.
i have mastered over 150,000 martial arts.
here is a copy of my school manual:
I started taking various martial arts when I was 3 years of age.Being in the internal martial arts,I received no certificate;however,I can prove my proficiency at any time.
I have come back into the city from the wilderness for a short while,to teach;and,to possibly find an assistant to train to take over the school[eventually].
My duty in the school will be to teach internal arts;while my assistants teach external.As a purple sash rank,I will not teach the violence and time consuming techniques of the external;which is not only disabling;but,also,uselessly inhumane.Keep in mind there are only 16 persons on the world above red/white belt due to the intensely strict laws of life.With this training,any form of violence or argument is looked upon as a selfish and useless attempt at compensation.
My lifestyle is essentially living in the wilderness,or primitive areas.I live in shelters that I build;or,sometimes a tent[depending on the area].Ocassionally,I may teach martial arts;however,I recently started to teach to "outside"or general persons.I will continue to do so until I again go into the wilderness.
If you require further information about me[or the school] that is not mentioned in this booklet; please feel free to approach me with any question you may have;and i will do my best to clarify your curiosity.
Anyone considering joining a Martial Arts school should do so with a logical mind.As with any occupation,there are countless thousands of people in the "Martial Arts" who purchase a black belt,write their own certification papers,read books and magazines,watch movies,practise;then,teach.On the other hand,there are "instructors"of almost all ranks that have valid certifications and could not defend themselves from street attacks.
I have seen many instructors of higher ranks[7th to 9th degree black belt]who would be totally insufficient;and much too slow for even the general large city street fighter.The techniques they have learned are designed for set attacks.Forms are most detrimental to proper learning procedures due to the fact they follow these set attack patterns.A TRUE Martial Arts training teaches the student different moves per situation to prepare the student for defense against spontaneous and unknown attacks.Sparring is valuable for external schools to teach this;however,the internal schols do not rely on this procedure due to the facts that[1]the risk of injury is too high;and,[2]the act of sparring is much too violent.
Belt ranks differ in external and internal schools.A student could easilyreach black belt in an external school;then,leave that school.The student would not be aware of how long his/her proficiency will last until he/she needed further instruction to remain at his/her belt rank.In an internal school,a student can be as easily demoted as promoted.A true martial artist is aware of his/her capabilities all of the time;and,no longer has need of an instructor once a certain belt rank is obtained.This awareness is vital if total self sufficiency in the martial arts is a factor for training.
The main aspect of determining if a martial arts schol is valid or not is to [1]ask the instructor what he would do in a certain fighting situation.See if his answer is of peace or violence[a good fighter does not need to;or,desire to,do any more harm than what he is forced to do],[2]look at the form of the highest performer.External systems teach to use great physical force to smash the targets.Internal systems teach of effortless movement.The student of an internal school learns to literally disassemble an opponent;then,knows how to give medical help for the injuries[including many fatal injuries].
External and Internal schools disagree on all things;including philosophies.External schools teach to defend oneself and others physically;in all adverse situations.Internal schools teach to use mnimum effort to accomplish a task.Extremely rare situations warrant fighting.External schools teach respect instructors.Internal schools teach BROTHERHOOD.External schools use physical exertion to develope muscles.Internal schools tone down the muscles AND develope the mind simultaneously.In fact,everything within the martial arts isexactly opposite in comparisons between the external and internal styles.
It is a student's[or future student's]own choice which school and style to take part in.Comparisons are of no use;however,until the student first knows his/her goals.Some comparisons will be given in partiality;but,only the student can form;and design,goals.
The questions to ask are as follows[if the student wishes to know the answers;of course]:[1]do the instructors also teach internal arts?[2]what belt rank do they have?[3]how many martial arts do they teach?[4]how long are classes?[5]how long do excercises last?[6]howproficient are the instructors?[7]do the instructors strike the students?[8]do the instructors teach each detail in sequence;or do they explain the major points of a technique only?[9]how much are the payments?[10]how many days a week do the students have classes?[11]is there a free lesson and orientation program available for decision making?[12]is/are the art[s] they teach effective for the students use?[13]are here many students being taught at one time?[14]does the instructor ignore any wrong moves of any of his students;or,does he teach each student individually during class?[15]is there a set teaching pattern or all of his students?
Keep in mind that written and spoken words mean nothing to a future student.What an instructor does;and how he reacts to each situation is the most important factor combination.No one ;but,a few,can write exactly what the martial arts are or what they teach philosophically.These things can only be understood by very close observation of the students or instructor[a student shows the style of the instructor].
For a person to enter into the martial arts field of study;that person must first learn the essence of the martial arts.Breaking boards with 14' high flying kicks ;or breaking concrete is not this essence[anyone can do those things].The martial arts represents peace,calmness,passiveness, friendliness,kindness,mercy,and compassion[among other things].The physical warfare is a last resort duty to protect lives-nothing else.
Martial arts are a way of life.They teach total self-sufficiency under almost any conditions.The higher belt ranks represent a proficiency level towards Priesthood.This priesthood is for very few;and not for any but special students[though it would not hinder or limit students should they continue a non priesthood member].Each student must choose which level and teaching he/she may desire to pursue.Each technique wil be altered to be compatible with each student's own body and mind[any failure of each student would be the incorrectness of the instructor's teaching method].
The previously mentioned priesthood;if chosen,is not a standard religion by any is not a cult or "occult" religion.It is simply a set of rules that are numerous and exceedingly strict.
Each rule is a philosophical instruction that provokes extreme discipline.More than 92% of the things done by most people on the earth;are not allowed in this religion.
The true martial arts are simple to learn.The most difficult phase is stretching excercises.These arts are passive;and,though they are extremely dangerous,are beautifull to watch.Relaxation and non use of muscular activity are the "secret"to proper technique and speed.
The martial arts consists of many areas of study besides the 2 forms of fighting.These areas include:medicine,religion,philosophy,meditation,accupressure,art training,music training, food detoxification,relaxation,herbal training,breathing correction,patience training,weather resistance,and total self sufficiency;to name a few.
Martial arts are based opon developing the body and mind to "impossible" limits.Belt ranks indicate progress of each of these limits;and show proficiency of the individual.Once the student reaches black belt,the student begins training of only the mind in areas similar to "psychic"fields.These mental energies can never be abused or "shown off" without causing physical and mental damage to one's self.Self control is vital in this training.
Philosophy andmeditation are not forced upon the students.They are not religious beliefs;though religion is highly stressed.They are used for purposes of training the body and mind to produce harmony between these and nature.By accomplishing this;the martial arts aspects of peace,love,and helping others in time of need displays the true meaning of martial arts religion and philosophy that begin to rise.
Attitudes of both the instructor and students must be tuned to produce maximum results in training.It is very important to both that the students do not believe what is taught by any instructor unless seen andperformed by themselves.In the martial arts training of this school,a student of any rank is both a student and instructor.There are virtually no "top men" in this training.Every person is equal in all aspects;except knowledge,technique,and form[as are all people].
As mentioned previously;there are 2 forms of fighting arts in the martial arts:[1]the internal and[2]the external.Firstly,the external arts consists of training only the body to build strength for forcefull kicks,punches,and blocks.Secondly,the internal arts consists of training the mind to such a point the body is no longer needed to do work;therefore increasing[1]efficiency,[2] peacefullness,[3]concentration,[4]focus,[5]abilities,[6]stamina,[7]endurance,[8]self sufficiency and[9]distance used.
Most of the martial arts of the world today are purely external.very few who teach internal arts only teach to specially chosen persons.I teach both internal and external arts;and,program each lesson spontaneously accordingly to the capabilities of each student individually.There is no room for accidents;even during sparring.Safety is stressed so that each student can be aware of what his/her hands,feet,arms,legs,head,and chest are doing;and at what time.During testing of each belt rank,the student will be told to perform different maneuvers than those practised;therefore proving his/her efficiency at adjustment which is vital to martial arts training.
Lastly,I would like to give various suggestions for each martial artist[or,soon to be martial artist].[1]go to different schools and observe their form,rank,and proficiency[2]ask yourself if the techniques they are performing are efficient,or[dangerously enough]a "spor"[3]next,ask if you want to join for protection purposes;or,to be an actor.
Once you decide;ask the individual instructors why they do each technique;andwhat the techniques will do for them in combat.On the streets,there are no questions asked.See if each sschool allows students to ask the instructor questions such as "wouldn't you have been hit if...";or say things like"you did that side kick should have...".If the instructor allows this,the student will taught to think on his own;and not be a follower.This is most vital in an art taught to keep you and others safe in a dangerous;or posibly fatal,environment.
This school is a specialized school in martial arts training.There is no sport in the techniques taught.Every aspect is dealt with in a serious manner within an atmosphere of peace,love,and friendship.There is an age limit of 3 years of age to 83 years of age.Classes will be different for varying age groups to provide physical and mental harmony;and,to prevent misuse or abuse.
In the past[in Middleton,Wisconsin],the students chose their own training rates and reached their goals in due time.I will do this in this school also.One student reached his goal of 1st degre black belt in 3 1/2 months.The usual time for mostschools is 3 to 7 years[usually].
I will personally guarantee that all of my techniques I may teach will be 100% effective in any of the worst events to occur on the streets in any city.These techniques are from ancient instructors;and are the true forms of martial arts.They must;however,be used correctly.
Many schools only 1 to 3 martial arts styles.They advertise karate,judo,etc.I do not advertise in general categories.Instead of just saying karate,I may say sito ryu goju ryu,taekwon do,etc.For simplistic purposes,I shall state what form of martial arts each style represents.
I will teach over 50 different martial arts styles.These are as follows:
[1]kenpo karate,[2]choy lay fut kung fu,[3]tai fi ken,[4]hop gar kung fu,[5]hung gar kung fu,[6]kashinobo,[7]isshin ryu karate,[8]wado ryu karate,[9]chi kung,[10]t'ien shan p'ai kung fu,[11] shantung black tiger kung fu,[12]pak mei kung fu,[13]goju ryu karate,[14]shito ryu karate,[15] shorin ryu karate,[16]ate waza,[17]kung fu wu su,[18]hapkido karate,[19]bando,[20]bushido,[21]shorinji kenpo karate,[22]monkee boxing,[23]sil lum tao kung fu,[24]thai boxing,[25]chuan fa,[26]pa kua,[27]wing chun kung fu,[28]hwarang do karate,[29]tae kwon do karate,[30] aikido,[31]savate,[32]yawara,[33]dim mak,[34]dim muk,[35]chin ching chao,[36]tai chi chuan,[37]shotokan judo,[38]kodokan judo,[39]jiu jitsu,[40]hsing i,[41]white crane kung fu,[42] gorilla kung fu,[43]cobra kung fu,[44]tang soo do karate,[45]tiger kung fu,[46]drunken styles kung fu,[47]sticking hands,[48]pentjak silate,[49]tai pei,[50]mu duk kwon karate,[51]green dragon kung fu,[52]scorpion kung fu,[53praying mantis kung fu,[54]kung chao,[55]chi tao,[56]thunder god kung fu,[57]bo jitsu,[58]lost track kung fu,and others.
For the personsd who are not knowledgeable of the martial arts,I have simply explained the true meaning of the martial arts.Throughout the years,the "martial arts"names have been polluted and the martials arts have become a "sport".This school teaches the total martial arts range.The martial arts fighting styles are used to protect yourself and others from the most dangerous of criminals with very little effort.
The training rovided by my staf and I provide maximum physical;and mental,stamina and endurance regardless of previous injuries.One female had a shattered hip;and still maintained very fine and strong form for external styles.ASlways remember;however,to let us know of any physical or mental disabilities you may have.We have the knowledge of martial arts techniques to correct;or eliminate,most adverse reactions or consequences of extensively listed injuries.
To conclude,never have fear of any person regardless of how strong;or,aggressive he may be.And especially your instructor,or other students.If you decide to join my school,let any black belt[or above]instructors know of any fears you may have and we will do our o make you comfortable.For added comfort,we will serve herbs and herbal teas if you choose to take them.These will only be served ocassionally.And if you require anything further of me,speak with me;and I will do my best to offer you what you desire.
Music and art are 2 of the most important training of the theinternal martial arts.If a student can play a musical instrument and draw pictures,the martial arts will be learned quickly and easily.Vibrations from musical instruments and smooth,flowing movements of art join together to correct all malfunctions within the physiological,mental,and electromagnetic energy levels.In turn,the body is "tuned" to a specific frequency level;then,gradually rises or falls as the student chooses.Being tuned,the student is capable of performing techniques beyond that student's comprehension.By having guidance to self control[these techniques performed by the physical ], the mind controls sequential defense and offense stategies.The physical body then follows all commands immediately;therefore,no thought of any maneuver is ever present within the conscious section of the student's mind.
External special training includes iron hand,iron foot,iron body,and instant and delayed death touches.Other training forms are taught;though,due to the extensive listing,I have only listed the major areas.These arts can be easily learned if the student is knowledgeable in music and art.
Training in the martial arts fields;for those who desire to obtain priesthood,is a lifetime study.No one ever becomes what martial artists term a "master".There areonly 3 mastersworldwide;and they do not use limited accesss styles.The student on the other hand,tries 24 hours a day/7 days a week trying to become a perfect human being.This goal in itself,naturally would take most people at the least a lifetime to reach.I have 21 years experience and I have not yet begun to learn the basics of the martial arts styles,forms,philosophies,fighting,and other teachings.Withthis thoght in mind,any student can progress andlearn more astime goes on;even without an instructor[once a certain belt rank is obtained].
*brown:3rd degree
*brown:2nd degree
*brown:1st degree
*black:1st degree
*black:2nd degree
*black:3rd degree
*black:4th degree
*black:5th degree
*black:6th degree
*black:7th degree
*black:8th degree
*black:9th degree
*black:10th degree
*red:1st degree
*red:2nd degree
*red :3rd degree
*red:4th degree
*red:5th degree
*red:6th degree
*red:7th degree
*red:8th degree
*red:9th dgree
*red:10th degree
*dervish:1st degree
*dervish:2nd degree
*dervish:3rd degree
*bishops ranks
*masters ranks
*grand masters ranks:3
*be not a leader,for I may turn down a different path
be not a follower,for you may stumble on obstacles in the way
walk beside me and we shal be equal
*the teeth are hard and fall out;but,the tongue is soft and remains
*to be strong,one must first be weak
to learn to see one must first be blind
to try to stand,one must first fall
to know oneself,one must first know his creator
*the simple look at the impossible and ask"why?"
the wise look at theimpossible and ask "why not?"
*those who say they know all things,know notghing
those who say they know nothing,know all things
*the beauty and strength of the mind is as a flower's
they can only be present when open
when the love of power is replaced by the power of love;then shall you attain the infinite
*chin na
*heki ryu karate
*olonga n' gali
*jodo ryu
*sumo wrestling
*muay thai
*tether wrestling
*chi sao
*phon sao
*woo dip do
*saom gee kwan
*kwon do
*shi kung
*hua t'o
*p'ai chang
*hakko ryu karate
*goshin ryu karate
*kiai jitsu
*shorei ryu karate
*k'd shio tao
*kokikan karate
*ch'o chiao
*tai i ch'uan
*hop gar kung fu
*mi tsung i
*li chia ch'uan
*tsujan men
*t'ang lung
*uechi ryu karate
*hua t'o
*wm mui
*yimm wing chun kung fu
*glima wrestling
*shito ryu karate
*shorin ryu karate
*atemi waza
*chuan fa
*dim mak
*dim muk
*jiu jutsu
*hsing i
*tai pei
*green dragon kung fu
*red dragon kung fu
*black dragon kung fu
*chin ching chao[golden bell cover]
*scorpion kung fu
*chi tao
*white eyebrow shaolin art
*hung fut
*choy mok
*hopei hsing i
*fat ging jutsu
*ting ging jutsu
*dong ging jutsu
*lau gar kung fu
*choy gar kung fu
*li gar kung fu
*mok gar kung fu
*shansi kung fu
*honan hsing i
*shuai jao
*wu tai chi chan
*sun tai chi chuan
*serrada eskrima
*cern do jutsu
*dragon well darn gim jutsu
*kuk sool
*tai tsu's boxing while swallowing a bronze ball
*shaolin endless boxing
*ch'in ch'iungs killing square rods
*8 drunken fairies
*tai sing pap kar moon
*10000 lotus petals
*shinden fudo ryu dakentaijutsu
*nin-po mikkyo ninpo
*chang chuan kung fu
*6 harmony kung fu
*lung ying kung fu
*chi chi
*chi tao
*tagaki yoshin ryu jutaijutsugreat sage monkey kung fu wong
i have mastered over 150,000 martial arts.
here is a copy of my school manual:
I started taking various martial arts when I was 3 years of age.Being in the internal martial arts,I received no certificate;however,I can prove my proficiency at any time.
I have come back into the city from the wilderness for a short while,to teach;and,to possibly find an assistant to train to take over the school[eventually].
My duty in the school will be to teach internal arts;while my assistants teach external.As a purple sash rank,I will not teach the violence and time consuming techniques of the external;which is not only disabling;but,also,uselessly inhumane.Keep in mind there are only 16 persons on the world above red/white belt due to the intensely strict laws of life.With this training,any form of violence or argument is looked upon as a selfish and useless attempt at compensation.
My lifestyle is essentially living in the wilderness,or primitive areas.I live in shelters that I build;or,sometimes a tent[depending on the area].Ocassionally,I may teach martial arts;however,I recently started to teach to "outside"or general persons.I will continue to do so until I again go into the wilderness.
If you require further information about me[or the school] that is not mentioned in this booklet; please feel free to approach me with any question you may have;and i will do my best to clarify your curiosity.
Anyone considering joining a Martial Arts school should do so with a logical mind.As with any occupation,there are countless thousands of people in the "Martial Arts" who purchase a black belt,write their own certification papers,read books and magazines,watch movies,practise;then,teach.On the other hand,there are "instructors"of almost all ranks that have valid certifications and could not defend themselves from street attacks.
I have seen many instructors of higher ranks[7th to 9th degree black belt]who would be totally insufficient;and much too slow for even the general large city street fighter.The techniques they have learned are designed for set attacks.Forms are most detrimental to proper learning procedures due to the fact they follow these set attack patterns.A TRUE Martial Arts training teaches the student different moves per situation to prepare the student for defense against spontaneous and unknown attacks.Sparring is valuable for external schools to teach this;however,the internal schols do not rely on this procedure due to the facts that[1]the risk of injury is too high;and,[2]the act of sparring is much too violent.
Belt ranks differ in external and internal schools.A student could easilyreach black belt in an external school;then,leave that school.The student would not be aware of how long his/her proficiency will last until he/she needed further instruction to remain at his/her belt rank.In an internal school,a student can be as easily demoted as promoted.A true martial artist is aware of his/her capabilities all of the time;and,no longer has need of an instructor once a certain belt rank is obtained.This awareness is vital if total self sufficiency in the martial arts is a factor for training.
The main aspect of determining if a martial arts schol is valid or not is to [1]ask the instructor what he would do in a certain fighting situation.See if his answer is of peace or violence[a good fighter does not need to;or,desire to,do any more harm than what he is forced to do],[2]look at the form of the highest performer.External systems teach to use great physical force to smash the targets.Internal systems teach of effortless movement.The student of an internal school learns to literally disassemble an opponent;then,knows how to give medical help for the injuries[including many fatal injuries].
External and Internal schools disagree on all things;including philosophies.External schools teach to defend oneself and others physically;in all adverse situations.Internal schools teach to use mnimum effort to accomplish a task.Extremely rare situations warrant fighting.External schools teach respect instructors.Internal schools teach BROTHERHOOD.External schools use physical exertion to develope muscles.Internal schools tone down the muscles AND develope the mind simultaneously.In fact,everything within the martial arts isexactly opposite in comparisons between the external and internal styles.
It is a student's[or future student's]own choice which school and style to take part in.Comparisons are of no use;however,until the student first knows his/her goals.Some comparisons will be given in partiality;but,only the student can form;and design,goals.
The questions to ask are as follows[if the student wishes to know the answers;of course]:[1]do the instructors also teach internal arts?[2]what belt rank do they have?[3]how many martial arts do they teach?[4]how long are classes?[5]how long do excercises last?[6]howproficient are the instructors?[7]do the instructors strike the students?[8]do the instructors teach each detail in sequence;or do they explain the major points of a technique only?[9]how much are the payments?[10]how many days a week do the students have classes?[11]is there a free lesson and orientation program available for decision making?[12]is/are the art[s] they teach effective for the students use?[13]are here many students being taught at one time?[14]does the instructor ignore any wrong moves of any of his students;or,does he teach each student individually during class?[15]is there a set teaching pattern or all of his students?
Keep in mind that written and spoken words mean nothing to a future student.What an instructor does;and how he reacts to each situation is the most important factor combination.No one ;but,a few,can write exactly what the martial arts are or what they teach philosophically.These things can only be understood by very close observation of the students or instructor[a student shows the style of the instructor].
For a person to enter into the martial arts field of study;that person must first learn the essence of the martial arts.Breaking boards with 14' high flying kicks ;or breaking concrete is not this essence[anyone can do those things].The martial arts represents peace,calmness,passiveness, friendliness,kindness,mercy,and compassion[among other things].The physical warfare is a last resort duty to protect lives-nothing else.
Martial arts are a way of life.They teach total self-sufficiency under almost any conditions.The higher belt ranks represent a proficiency level towards Priesthood.This priesthood is for very few;and not for any but special students[though it would not hinder or limit students should they continue a non priesthood member].Each student must choose which level and teaching he/she may desire to pursue.Each technique wil be altered to be compatible with each student's own body and mind[any failure of each student would be the incorrectness of the instructor's teaching method].
The previously mentioned priesthood;if chosen,is not a standard religion by any is not a cult or "occult" religion.It is simply a set of rules that are numerous and exceedingly strict.
Each rule is a philosophical instruction that provokes extreme discipline.More than 92% of the things done by most people on the earth;are not allowed in this religion.
The true martial arts are simple to learn.The most difficult phase is stretching excercises.These arts are passive;and,though they are extremely dangerous,are beautifull to watch.Relaxation and non use of muscular activity are the "secret"to proper technique and speed.
The martial arts consists of many areas of study besides the 2 forms of fighting.These areas include:medicine,religion,philosophy,meditation,accupressure,art training,music training, food detoxification,relaxation,herbal training,breathing correction,patience training,weather resistance,and total self sufficiency;to name a few.
Martial arts are based opon developing the body and mind to "impossible" limits.Belt ranks indicate progress of each of these limits;and show proficiency of the individual.Once the student reaches black belt,the student begins training of only the mind in areas similar to "psychic"fields.These mental energies can never be abused or "shown off" without causing physical and mental damage to one's self.Self control is vital in this training.
Philosophy andmeditation are not forced upon the students.They are not religious beliefs;though religion is highly stressed.They are used for purposes of training the body and mind to produce harmony between these and nature.By accomplishing this;the martial arts aspects of peace,love,and helping others in time of need displays the true meaning of martial arts religion and philosophy that begin to rise.
Attitudes of both the instructor and students must be tuned to produce maximum results in training.It is very important to both that the students do not believe what is taught by any instructor unless seen andperformed by themselves.In the martial arts training of this school,a student of any rank is both a student and instructor.There are virtually no "top men" in this training.Every person is equal in all aspects;except knowledge,technique,and form[as are all people].
As mentioned previously;there are 2 forms of fighting arts in the martial arts:[1]the internal and[2]the external.Firstly,the external arts consists of training only the body to build strength for forcefull kicks,punches,and blocks.Secondly,the internal arts consists of training the mind to such a point the body is no longer needed to do work;therefore increasing[1]efficiency,[2] peacefullness,[3]concentration,[4]focus,[5]abilities,[6]stamina,[7]endurance,[8]self sufficiency and[9]distance used.
Most of the martial arts of the world today are purely external.very few who teach internal arts only teach to specially chosen persons.I teach both internal and external arts;and,program each lesson spontaneously accordingly to the capabilities of each student individually.There is no room for accidents;even during sparring.Safety is stressed so that each student can be aware of what his/her hands,feet,arms,legs,head,and chest are doing;and at what time.During testing of each belt rank,the student will be told to perform different maneuvers than those practised;therefore proving his/her efficiency at adjustment which is vital to martial arts training.
Lastly,I would like to give various suggestions for each martial artist[or,soon to be martial artist].[1]go to different schools and observe their form,rank,and proficiency[2]ask yourself if the techniques they are performing are efficient,or[dangerously enough]a "spor"[3]next,ask if you want to join for protection purposes;or,to be an actor.
Once you decide;ask the individual instructors why they do each technique;andwhat the techniques will do for them in combat.On the streets,there are no questions asked.See if each sschool allows students to ask the instructor questions such as "wouldn't you have been hit if...";or say things like"you did that side kick should have...".If the instructor allows this,the student will taught to think on his own;and not be a follower.This is most vital in an art taught to keep you and others safe in a dangerous;or posibly fatal,environment.
This school is a specialized school in martial arts training.There is no sport in the techniques taught.Every aspect is dealt with in a serious manner within an atmosphere of peace,love,and friendship.There is an age limit of 3 years of age to 83 years of age.Classes will be different for varying age groups to provide physical and mental harmony;and,to prevent misuse or abuse.
In the past[in Middleton,Wisconsin],the students chose their own training rates and reached their goals in due time.I will do this in this school also.One student reached his goal of 1st degre black belt in 3 1/2 months.The usual time for mostschools is 3 to 7 years[usually].
I will personally guarantee that all of my techniques I may teach will be 100% effective in any of the worst events to occur on the streets in any city.These techniques are from ancient instructors;and are the true forms of martial arts.They must;however,be used correctly.
Many schools only 1 to 3 martial arts styles.They advertise karate,judo,etc.I do not advertise in general categories.Instead of just saying karate,I may say sito ryu goju ryu,taekwon do,etc.For simplistic purposes,I shall state what form of martial arts each style represents.
I will teach over 50 different martial arts styles.These are as follows:
[1]kenpo karate,[2]choy lay fut kung fu,[3]tai fi ken,[4]hop gar kung fu,[5]hung gar kung fu,[6]kashinobo,[7]isshin ryu karate,[8]wado ryu karate,[9]chi kung,[10]t'ien shan p'ai kung fu,[11] shantung black tiger kung fu,[12]pak mei kung fu,[13]goju ryu karate,[14]shito ryu karate,[15] shorin ryu karate,[16]ate waza,[17]kung fu wu su,[18]hapkido karate,[19]bando,[20]bushido,[21]shorinji kenpo karate,[22]monkee boxing,[23]sil lum tao kung fu,[24]thai boxing,[25]chuan fa,[26]pa kua,[27]wing chun kung fu,[28]hwarang do karate,[29]tae kwon do karate,[30] aikido,[31]savate,[32]yawara,[33]dim mak,[34]dim muk,[35]chin ching chao,[36]tai chi chuan,[37]shotokan judo,[38]kodokan judo,[39]jiu jitsu,[40]hsing i,[41]white crane kung fu,[42] gorilla kung fu,[43]cobra kung fu,[44]tang soo do karate,[45]tiger kung fu,[46]drunken styles kung fu,[47]sticking hands,[48]pentjak silate,[49]tai pei,[50]mu duk kwon karate,[51]green dragon kung fu,[52]scorpion kung fu,[53praying mantis kung fu,[54]kung chao,[55]chi tao,[56]thunder god kung fu,[57]bo jitsu,[58]lost track kung fu,and others.
For the personsd who are not knowledgeable of the martial arts,I have simply explained the true meaning of the martial arts.Throughout the years,the "martial arts"names have been polluted and the martials arts have become a "sport".This school teaches the total martial arts range.The martial arts fighting styles are used to protect yourself and others from the most dangerous of criminals with very little effort.
The training rovided by my staf and I provide maximum physical;and mental,stamina and endurance regardless of previous injuries.One female had a shattered hip;and still maintained very fine and strong form for external styles.ASlways remember;however,to let us know of any physical or mental disabilities you may have.We have the knowledge of martial arts techniques to correct;or eliminate,most adverse reactions or consequences of extensively listed injuries.
To conclude,never have fear of any person regardless of how strong;or,aggressive he may be.And especially your instructor,or other students.If you decide to join my school,let any black belt[or above]instructors know of any fears you may have and we will do our o make you comfortable.For added comfort,we will serve herbs and herbal teas if you choose to take them.These will only be served ocassionally.And if you require anything further of me,speak with me;and I will do my best to offer you what you desire.
Music and art are 2 of the most important training of the theinternal martial arts.If a student can play a musical instrument and draw pictures,the martial arts will be learned quickly and easily.Vibrations from musical instruments and smooth,flowing movements of art join together to correct all malfunctions within the physiological,mental,and electromagnetic energy levels.In turn,the body is "tuned" to a specific frequency level;then,gradually rises or falls as the student chooses.Being tuned,the student is capable of performing techniques beyond that student's comprehension.By having guidance to self control[these techniques performed by the physical ], the mind controls sequential defense and offense stategies.The physical body then follows all commands immediately;therefore,no thought of any maneuver is ever present within the conscious section of the student's mind.
External special training includes iron hand,iron foot,iron body,and instant and delayed death touches.Other training forms are taught;though,due to the extensive listing,I have only listed the major areas.These arts can be easily learned if the student is knowledgeable in music and art.
Training in the martial arts fields;for those who desire to obtain priesthood,is a lifetime study.No one ever becomes what martial artists term a "master".There areonly 3 mastersworldwide;and they do not use limited accesss styles.The student on the other hand,tries 24 hours a day/7 days a week trying to become a perfect human being.This goal in itself,naturally would take most people at the least a lifetime to reach.I have 21 years experience and I have not yet begun to learn the basics of the martial arts styles,forms,philosophies,fighting,and other teachings.Withthis thoght in mind,any student can progress andlearn more astime goes on;even without an instructor[once a certain belt rank is obtained].
*brown:3rd degree
*brown:2nd degree
*brown:1st degree
*black:1st degree
*black:2nd degree
*black:3rd degree
*black:4th degree
*black:5th degree
*black:6th degree
*black:7th degree
*black:8th degree
*black:9th degree
*black:10th degree
*red:1st degree
*red:2nd degree
*red :3rd degree
*red:4th degree
*red:5th degree
*red:6th degree
*red:7th degree
*red:8th degree
*red:9th dgree
*red:10th degree
*dervish:1st degree
*dervish:2nd degree
*dervish:3rd degree
*bishops ranks
*masters ranks
*grand masters ranks:3
*be not a leader,for I may turn down a different path
be not a follower,for you may stumble on obstacles in the way
walk beside me and we shal be equal
*the teeth are hard and fall out;but,the tongue is soft and remains
*to be strong,one must first be weak
to learn to see one must first be blind
to try to stand,one must first fall
to know oneself,one must first know his creator
*the simple look at the impossible and ask"why?"
the wise look at theimpossible and ask "why not?"
*those who say they know all things,know notghing
those who say they know nothing,know all things
*the beauty and strength of the mind is as a flower's
they can only be present when open
when the love of power is replaced by the power of love;then shall you attain the infinite
*chin na
*heki ryu karate
*olonga n' gali
*jodo ryu
*sumo wrestling
*muay thai
*tether wrestling
*chi sao
*phon sao
*woo dip do
*saom gee kwan
*kwon do
*shi kung
*hua t'o
*p'ai chang
*hakko ryu karate
*goshin ryu karate
*kiai jitsu
*shorei ryu karate
*k'd shio tao
*kokikan karate
*ch'o chiao
*tai i ch'uan
*hop gar kung fu
*mi tsung i
*li chia ch'uan
*tsujan men
*t'ang lung
*uechi ryu karate
*hua t'o
*wm mui
*yimm wing chun kung fu
*glima wrestling
*shito ryu karate
*shorin ryu karate
*atemi waza
*chuan fa
*dim mak
*dim muk
*jiu jutsu
*hsing i
*tai pei
*green dragon kung fu
*red dragon kung fu
*black dragon kung fu
*chin ching chao[golden bell cover]
*scorpion kung fu
*chi tao
*white eyebrow shaolin art
*hung fut
*choy mok
*hopei hsing i
*fat ging jutsu
*ting ging jutsu
*dong ging jutsu
*lau gar kung fu
*choy gar kung fu
*li gar kung fu
*mok gar kung fu
*shansi kung fu
*honan hsing i
*shuai jao
*wu tai chi chan
*sun tai chi chuan
*serrada eskrima
*cern do jutsu
*dragon well darn gim jutsu
*kuk sool
*tai tsu's boxing while swallowing a bronze ball
*shaolin endless boxing
*ch'in ch'iungs killing square rods
*8 drunken fairies
*tai sing pap kar moon
*10000 lotus petals
*shinden fudo ryu dakentaijutsu
*nin-po mikkyo ninpo
*chang chuan kung fu
*6 harmony kung fu
*lung ying kung fu
*chi chi
*chi tao
*tagaki yoshin ryu jutaijutsugreat sage monkey kung fu wong
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