These wars I fought against everyone.
*Due to the loss of my evidence of the 1980-1990 psywars;as well as attacks on the White House again,this war I keep classified Top Secret.It is still a 3ttpe code operation[code level 3 threat,top priority emergency operation].
*Until later,these operations will remain classified to secret.
In 1990, the C.I.A. of Houston,Texas was terminated by Melissa. The male Russian psyops groups began their psywar on myself eventually. This resulted in a massive attack on me that was extremely overloading; yet, interesting. Since 1990, I have been held; by my command, in a specific electronic quarantine. I told the Houston branch C.I.A. to keep me there as well as keep me top secret in classification.
I was found, the quarantine infiltrated, and attacked once again. I used special electronics and satellites to contain the groups. Noone can escape at the present date of 8/7/2012. I have been attacked by the Naval counterintelligence agency commanding officer Agent Patry [alias Petry]. I was also attacked by the Army counterintelligence agency commanding officer.
Agent Patry hired a "doctor Sphyncter" to handle my case against my desires.
As of this date of 8/7/2012, I am critically damaged in my brain, completely terminated from freedom of movement, and losing the psywar partially.
Every group is using electronics to hold my "mind" open so enemy operatives can terminate my data; after learning my data.
The world future will contain extremely psychotic trance channeling men, femmales, and children who use [even now] electronics for carrier waves to terminate other people's minds for mind control and destruction purposes. Spirit warfare is also used.
While in the newer enemy "quarantine", people of extremely high intelligence worldwide are linked onto electronics and held for use in warfare by the psychotic groups who desire to destroy the world.
Torture is predominant in this quarantine. I have been extremely tortured by these operatives to the point of bleeding internally, and choking. I have as yet not succombed to the operatives demands. In turn, I will attempt to find a method of terminating their lives. These groups are the top criminal groups of the world. They have the top people here where I am located [at 1915 Texas Ave. Texas city, Texas].
They are locked in my quarantine as well as Myself being locked into theirs.
I have contacted every agency from the army and Navy counterintelligence through the F.B.I. and other agencies; as I usually have been doing since the yewar 1981.
I am the last remaining witness and evidence holder of every operative worldwide of these and other "secret" operations groups.
At present, noone is winning extensively. The "secret" groups; as well as myself, have the most advanced weaponry worldwide. new designs are being created daily.
I am attempting to terminate the mind programmings of these operatives presently. In the near future, I hope to see extreme progress in the elimination of these operatves.
September 15,2012: For the governments to terminate the operations of the cannabals, I have beenn terminated by Melissa [The American Psychotic operative], Agent Patrty of the Naval Counterintelligence, David Wilson [Cannibalistic homosexual], and Agent Mcconnel [Army Military Intelligence].
The operatives have been blaming me for David Wilson's Cannabalistic homosexuality. They have been programming me in his psychoses. The operstioves will be killed soon; if everything goes well.
The operatives are attempting to terminate the society into believing their stories. By doing that, they are terminating society into their own psychoses. Many innocent people wee killed or destroyed because of that.
Still, Marine Intelligence, Army intelligence, Melissa, David, and McConnel are keeping evidence hidden. That assists operatives in blaming innocent witnesses for their insane operations. My evidence has al;so been concealed by operatives for the same reason.
The operatives frquent my location at Texas City, Texas. They live across the street of Palmer Highway themselves. The government; of course, is utilizing cyberpunk operatives for operations to allow them to be blamed in case of witness testimonies against the operations and operatives.
If nothing is done about the operatives, there will be psychotic government operatives terminating societies worldwide. The operatives need to be killed soon.
The governments here are completely psychotic. They have infiltrated my information; and are presently programming me in psychotic homosexual cannabalistic data. The governments do that to everyone who does not take blame for [or "cooperate"] with them.
I have been programmed in the similar data as Jeffrey Dahmer. The governments programmed him into being blamed for cannabalistic homosexualitty. In fact, Jeffrey Dahmer went to church a minimal of 3-4 times a week. I am still going to fight; even to the death to kill these operatives. The operatives already blamed me for their insanity; and refuse to do anything about these issues. I am the only remaining operative as yet.
The last of the innocent people are programmed into psychotic operations already. They must be killed.
I have very little time before these operatives kill all of my spirits and innocence. It is time to kill theirs. Ther are no people to assist me. I am being held down by psychotic electronics while other operatives program their cannabalistic psychoses in my mind. If they are not killed immediately, the entire Earth will become psychotic as they.
Mercenaries interested in fighting thisr should report to 21st street and Texas avenue area. This is located in Texas City, Texas. Kill EVERYONE here. Leave no man, woman, or child alive; that includes everyone; excepting local Police.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
These wars I fought against everyone.
*This war is just a continuation of the 1980-1990 wars;except all of the government intelligence update is involved;and using the same operations.
*Most of my information is classified at this time. DECLASSIFIED DATA: Since 1990, agent Patry [alias agent Petry] of the Naval counterintelligence agency has been assisting enemy groups. The Army counterintelligence agency commanding officer has been completely terminated since then; as well as agent Patry. I have been the target of every group in this war. extreme violence, hate, prejudice, and aggression has been displayed in this war. The purpose of these groups are to destroy and kill the remainder of the world population. I have extracted every innocent person trapped in these wars that is possible. Only a few top innocent people remain who m,ay not survive. There are approximately 100 million to 300 million of them. Every operative; including myself, are extremely vicious, stubborn, and mentally destroyed. I have terminated almost all of them myself. I equally as well am barely surviving. At the present, noone will surrender without a funeral. The extent of aggression is colossus. I expect the war to continue for many years. Only the 1980-1985, 1990, and the 1990-2000 groups are trapped by me in this quarantined area. Noone may enter or leave without my command. I have in my possession the most sophisticated, advanced, and numerous warfare devices. At the present, nuclear materials have been hidden in non accessible areas; as well as chemical, biological, and genetics warfare devices and substances.
*This war is just a continuation of the 1980-1990 wars;except all of the government intelligence update is involved;and using the same operations.
*Most of my information is classified at this time. DECLASSIFIED DATA: Since 1990, agent Patry [alias agent Petry] of the Naval counterintelligence agency has been assisting enemy groups. The Army counterintelligence agency commanding officer has been completely terminated since then; as well as agent Patry. I have been the target of every group in this war. extreme violence, hate, prejudice, and aggression has been displayed in this war. The purpose of these groups are to destroy and kill the remainder of the world population. I have extracted every innocent person trapped in these wars that is possible. Only a few top innocent people remain who m,ay not survive. There are approximately 100 million to 300 million of them. Every operative; including myself, are extremely vicious, stubborn, and mentally destroyed. I have terminated almost all of them myself. I equally as well am barely surviving. At the present, noone will surrender without a funeral. The extent of aggression is colossus. I expect the war to continue for many years. Only the 1980-1985, 1990, and the 1990-2000 groups are trapped by me in this quarantined area. Noone may enter or leave without my command. I have in my possession the most sophisticated, advanced, and numerous warfare devices. At the present, nuclear materials have been hidden in non accessible areas; as well as chemical, biological, and genetics warfare devices and substances.
These wars I fought against everyone.
*At this time,a woman named Melissa had taken over David Wilson's case.She was a street prostitute using outdated equipment.
She incorporated the updated intelligence agencies to steal,and train her into my inventions and secrets.
*The A.O.P.S./W.P.O.G. were back at that time;and updated their information with my information.Melissa;as well as the entire society and government,was terminated.
*again,I am the only survivor.
*obviously,the A.O.P.S./W.P.O.G. are getting their wish:to kill and destroy everyone worldwide; except me[until they have no more use for me].
*The cia,army military intelligence,and fbi taught my information to the a.o.p.s. and the w.p.o.g.
*the leaders in charge of the updated operations are:the commanding officer of the Marine Corps Counterintelligence agency and Agent Petry of the F.B.I.
*At this time,a woman named Melissa had taken over David Wilson's case.She was a street prostitute using outdated equipment.
She incorporated the updated intelligence agencies to steal,and train her into my inventions and secrets.
*The A.O.P.S./W.P.O.G. were back at that time;and updated their information with my information.Melissa;as well as the entire society and government,was terminated.
*again,I am the only survivor.
*obviously,the A.O.P.S./W.P.O.G. are getting their wish:to kill and destroy everyone worldwide; except me[until they have no more use for me].
*The cia,army military intelligence,and fbi taught my information to the a.o.p.s. and the w.p.o.g.
*the leaders in charge of the updated operations are:the commanding officer of the Marine Corps Counterintelligence agency and Agent Petry of the F.B.I.
These wars I fought against the mafia,ex-convicts,government,and street gangs.
*At this time,the entire government was terminated;as well as the society.everyone was terminated out of giving information about anything;to the government.I was still the only survivor of that war.Witnesses who were to tak over the operation were criminals who were programmed to remember the operatives operations;and,take the blame for them.They carried on as operative replacements.
*David Wilson moved next door.He had 2 other people using his name.He attempted to attack me;but,I told him I would kill him.
*At that time,criminals were hired to burn houses down by connecting electrcal wires together, hooking them up to breakers,cutting gas lines;then switching the breakers on to start an arc.They even tried to burn my house down.
*i had;at that time,installed not only fishing line with fish hooks hanging under my house;but,also, trip wire activated tear gas systems.They avoided them all;excepting a few street gangs members.I purchased 2,2 thiodiethanol,mixed it with muriatic acid,and killed them with mustard gas.
*This war was mostly chemical and gang wars.
*During this war,I fought the entire government;as well as,all of the criminals.
*At this time,the entire government was terminated;as well as the society.everyone was terminated out of giving information about anything;to the government.I was still the only survivor of that war.Witnesses who were to tak over the operation were criminals who were programmed to remember the operatives operations;and,take the blame for them.They carried on as operative replacements.
*David Wilson moved next door.He had 2 other people using his name.He attempted to attack me;but,I told him I would kill him.
*At that time,criminals were hired to burn houses down by connecting electrcal wires together, hooking them up to breakers,cutting gas lines;then switching the breakers on to start an arc.They even tried to burn my house down.
*i had;at that time,installed not only fishing line with fish hooks hanging under my house;but,also, trip wire activated tear gas systems.They avoided them all;excepting a few street gangs members.I purchased 2,2 thiodiethanol,mixed it with muriatic acid,and killed them with mustard gas.
*This war was mostly chemical and gang wars.
*During this war,I fought the entire government;as well as,all of the criminals.
These wars I fought against the government operatives,mafia;and,criminals।
*This was a giant war with multiples of groups I had to fight.Of all groups,this war was most fun.I finally got to fight face to face with some people.
*At this time,the C.I.A.,NSC,Army/Marine miltary intelligence/counterintelligence,Russian KGB,and others were not extremely active;but,active.In 1980,agent McConnell[McCall] of the Army military had been present in the war.He destroyed every witness to his operations he possibly could.The others he had killed.He hired Russian military inteligence agent David Wilson to destroy the public.
*In 1981,I met a man who returned home to live with his grandmother and grandfather that lived next door to my house at 720 Winnie street in Galveston,Texas.I moved into this house after returning from Middleton,Wisconsin.This is the house my mother's father built in 1878.My mother,brothers,sister,and myself were born and raised there.
*The ex convict named Mike Bullock,told me in his first words to me"I can't wait to go back to prison".I asked "why?".He told me"I have everything there.".I told him to let me have 3 weeks to show him what life is about in the free world.He agred>
*I took care of him and kept him out of trouble.He wanted to fight everyone.After a while,he noticed many people were starting fights with me.He beat them brutally in fist fights.
*I slowly convinced him to teach me all of the secrets of criminals;including prison gangs.He taught me everything.
*He and i beat the street gangs out of the neigborhood.They had to leave or get beaten every day.
*Mike desired to go to bars to play pool.I went with him.I drank coca cola while he drank beer.I met a bartender named Rick Brown.He seemed like a playboy.Later i found out he had a brother named John Brown[a Russian KGB operative].Both told me they were in charge of raping and kidnapping 12-14 year old children.I foundout they did.Rick had an identification card that I took.It was not his picture on the card;nor,his name.The name on the card was Brian.The card was a little larger than a Texas driver's liscence.It was a military intelligence I.D.card.It was green with 1/8" bubbles on the back.
*agent McConnel had lived in the next door house in 1980.He was quiet,had no furniture,stayed onl 3 days at a time,nd had 3 suits hanging in his cars back window.I heard very much electronic psywar activity at that time.Rick Brown introduced me to Kim Son Chao.Kim was a cannible from Cambodia.He would kill people and eat their brain for knowledge,their heart for courage;and their liver for purifying his blood.When angered he said"i eat you liver".Mike hated him;but,I tried to help him.I le him stay at my house to investigate him further.Later,Dvid Wilson hired him to kill the innocent witnesses to his operations.Kim left many headless bodies on the Galveston beaches.
*President Bush sent all of the prison's life imprisonment and death row sentence convicts free t roam the streets.These were called the Rodney King gangs.He set 15,000 free in Houston,Texas alone according to newspapers.
*A man who came to my house bragged about how he liked to rape women.Mike and I became furious.Mike took him to the beach and buried an axe in his head;then buried him.
*I contactd every Army/Marine intelligence agency,C.I.A.,NSC,DOD,DIA,Russian Kremlin; then,the sedish prime minister[according to chain of command].I contacted them on a daily to weekly basis and made my reports.I was;then,attacked by them.The war was on.
*David Wilson was homosexual;and hated women.him and McConnel[who hired him]destroyed numerous people.They had 4-5 year old girls raped by 5-6 year old boys,had U.T.M.B. students captured and raped by ex convicts,had gun fights with the F.b.I;AND WORST OF ALL,kIM BURNED THE NIPPLES OFF OF WOMEN'S BREASTS THAT WERE TRYING TO ESCAPE.HE USED A NEON SIGN TRANSFORMER[WHICH I LATER CONVINCED HIM TO LET ME HAVE AS EVIDENCE].David first used the term"dog" at that time.He mad women crawl on their hands and knees and eat dog food from a bowl.
leutenant colonel Reidel and major Harris of the Marine counterintelligence agencies were there at that time.They did nothing.They finally told me[major Harris]"noone is going to save you;and[lt. col.Reidl]"noone is going to help you".I used a neighbor's phone[cecil grisham senior] to call these organizations.
Agent Teague of the Washington,D.C. C.I.A. moved to the Houston branch.she laughed at me when I contacted her;then,said"what do you want me to do about it?".
*The war was on after that.I fought them all.I even denounced my citizenship past,present,and future at that time.
*They attempted to ensure I would not find a job.They said they desired me to starve on the streets.
*This was a giant war with multiples of groups I had to fight.Of all groups,this war was most fun.I finally got to fight face to face with some people.
*At this time,the C.I.A.,NSC,Army/Marine miltary intelligence/counterintelligence,Russian KGB,and others were not extremely active;but,active.In 1980,agent McConnell[McCall] of the Army military had been present in the war.He destroyed every witness to his operations he possibly could.The others he had killed.He hired Russian military inteligence agent David Wilson to destroy the public.
*In 1981,I met a man who returned home to live with his grandmother and grandfather that lived next door to my house at 720 Winnie street in Galveston,Texas.I moved into this house after returning from Middleton,Wisconsin.This is the house my mother's father built in 1878.My mother,brothers,sister,and myself were born and raised there.
*The ex convict named Mike Bullock,told me in his first words to me"I can't wait to go back to prison".I asked "why?".He told me"I have everything there.".I told him to let me have 3 weeks to show him what life is about in the free world.He agred>
*I took care of him and kept him out of trouble.He wanted to fight everyone.After a while,he noticed many people were starting fights with me.He beat them brutally in fist fights.
*I slowly convinced him to teach me all of the secrets of criminals;including prison gangs.He taught me everything.
*He and i beat the street gangs out of the neigborhood.They had to leave or get beaten every day.
*Mike desired to go to bars to play pool.I went with him.I drank coca cola while he drank beer.I met a bartender named Rick Brown.He seemed like a playboy.Later i found out he had a brother named John Brown[a Russian KGB operative].Both told me they were in charge of raping and kidnapping 12-14 year old children.I foundout they did.Rick had an identification card that I took.It was not his picture on the card;nor,his name.The name on the card was Brian.The card was a little larger than a Texas driver's liscence.It was a military intelligence I.D.card.It was green with 1/8" bubbles on the back.
*agent McConnel had lived in the next door house in 1980.He was quiet,had no furniture,stayed onl 3 days at a time,nd had 3 suits hanging in his cars back window.I heard very much electronic psywar activity at that time.Rick Brown introduced me to Kim Son Chao.Kim was a cannible from Cambodia.He would kill people and eat their brain for knowledge,their heart for courage;and their liver for purifying his blood.When angered he said"i eat you liver".Mike hated him;but,I tried to help him.I le him stay at my house to investigate him further.Later,Dvid Wilson hired him to kill the innocent witnesses to his operations.Kim left many headless bodies on the Galveston beaches.
*President Bush sent all of the prison's life imprisonment and death row sentence convicts free t roam the streets.These were called the Rodney King gangs.He set 15,000 free in Houston,Texas alone according to newspapers.
*A man who came to my house bragged about how he liked to rape women.Mike and I became furious.Mike took him to the beach and buried an axe in his head;then buried him.
*I contactd every Army/Marine intelligence agency,C.I.A.,NSC,DOD,DIA,Russian Kremlin; then,the sedish prime minister[according to chain of command].I contacted them on a daily to weekly basis and made my reports.I was;then,attacked by them.The war was on.
*David Wilson was homosexual;and hated women.him and McConnel[who hired him]destroyed numerous people.They had 4-5 year old girls raped by 5-6 year old boys,had U.T.M.B. students captured and raped by ex convicts,had gun fights with the F.b.I;AND WORST OF ALL,kIM BURNED THE NIPPLES OFF OF WOMEN'S BREASTS THAT WERE TRYING TO ESCAPE.HE USED A NEON SIGN TRANSFORMER[WHICH I LATER CONVINCED HIM TO LET ME HAVE AS EVIDENCE].David first used the term"dog" at that time.He mad women crawl on their hands and knees and eat dog food from a bowl.
leutenant colonel Reidel and major Harris of the Marine counterintelligence agencies were there at that time.They did nothing.They finally told me[major Harris]"noone is going to save you;and[lt. col.Reidl]"noone is going to help you".I used a neighbor's phone[cecil grisham senior] to call these organizations.
Agent Teague of the Washington,D.C. C.I.A. moved to the Houston branch.she laughed at me when I contacted her;then,said"what do you want me to do about it?".
*The war was on after that.I fought them all.I even denounced my citizenship past,present,and future at that time.
*They attempted to ensure I would not find a job.They said they desired me to starve on the streets.
These wars were against A.O.P.S.,W.P.O.G.,and criminals:
*the A.O.P.S.were watching me;but,earlier in the war,gave up hope for me.
the W.P.O.G. on the other hand,continued their psywar using homosexual programs;as well as,other criminal programs.They hired various criminals to attempt to learn how I was resistant to their psywar:the,eliminate me.
*In the year 1971,I asked my parents to sign the papers allowing me to join the Green Berets.I wanted to learn how to kill the operatives who were fightin me.My parents refused to sign the papers.
*in 1973,I joined the Marine Corpse.In the Marine Corpse band,many corporals,sergaents,and staff sargeants raped a married female member of the band.I became furious.I held All of the sergeants,staff sergeants,and corporals in the enlisted man's dressing room.I had a bayonet I borrowed from a sergeant.I told them if I caught them raping bagain,I would kill them All.I finally set myself up for a discharge later;when noone did anything to the personnel for their rape.
*From the time I was dischaged from the Marine Corpse in 1975 to the year 1980,I met a woman named Peggy Doss.I fell in love with her.She was being brutalizd,sexually abused,and threatened by Matt Montecque of Texas City,Texas who was a mafia operative.I sympathized with Peggy,so I decided to learn more about the situation.She said she was being abused by the mafia;and I should not be hanging around her.I told her I would be all right.I finally met Matt;who told me was in the mafia.He asked me if I wanted to join.I said "no".Later,he introduced me to his boss named Bob.Bob told me he was Matt's mafia boss;then said "now you know i am in the mafia,you have to work for us.You have 3 ways out of the mafia:kill yourself,work for us until you die:or,we will kill you".I thought,i will take my option:i will kill them.
stayed around Peggy to collect evidence.Matt was injecting her with drugs.Peggy told me she did not like to[or,want to take drugs].i became furious at the mafia.Matt hired a motorcycle gang to rape her while he was gone.I asked Peggy if she wanted me to help her.I told her I was an ex-Marine;but,she said"no".Finally,while Matt and I was in her trailer with her 3 year old daughter,I caught him throwing he up against the ceiling and bouncing her off[because she was crying]. Then,he said he would return shortly,and closed the door.He stayed there for many minutes.He was sexually raping her.I had enough.I left for a while to plan my schedules.
Later,Mat took me back to Bob's house;and left me there.i noticed a man who was 4" taller than myself standing by a table ans sharpening a knife.I thought that was going to be very pleasant...I was going to be able to kill someone.Bob told me to find him an LSD laboratory or he would contract me[kill me].He sid he would give me a few days.I told him I did not know of any drug dealers.I finally found HIS laboratory address in Denver,colorado[within a few hours].I called him up and told him of the laboratory.
I was showing a friend of mine later where the house Bob lived in was.When we were going down the street,I heard a loud bump.It was a silenced weapon's .38 caliber slug.My friends father was a Police officer;and,identified the slug.I finally had enough.I purchased a .357 magnum;the,I contacted the O.C.C.U. in Galveston[organized crime control unit.I informed them of the situation;and,told them to watch me because the hit men were going to come to me.They sent a black van to watch over me.
after a few days,I never say Bob,Matt,or the motorcycle gang again.neighther did I see the black van.
*in 1979,another friend of mine took some photos of me in a green military uniform,beret,mercenary symbol on my beret;and,aiming CAR 15[.223 cailber]assault rifle from an apartment complex patio[2nd story].
*A short while later,I decided to go to Madison,Wisconsin to visit an old Marine Corps buddy.I did.Little did I know,the O.C.C.U. found my photos and were searching for me.
*the A.O.P.S.were watching me;but,earlier in the war,gave up hope for me.
the W.P.O.G. on the other hand,continued their psywar using homosexual programs;as well as,other criminal programs.They hired various criminals to attempt to learn how I was resistant to their psywar:the,eliminate me.
*In the year 1971,I asked my parents to sign the papers allowing me to join the Green Berets.I wanted to learn how to kill the operatives who were fightin me.My parents refused to sign the papers.
*in 1973,I joined the Marine Corpse.In the Marine Corpse band,many corporals,sergaents,and staff sargeants raped a married female member of the band.I became furious.I held All of the sergeants,staff sergeants,and corporals in the enlisted man's dressing room.I had a bayonet I borrowed from a sergeant.I told them if I caught them raping bagain,I would kill them All.I finally set myself up for a discharge later;when noone did anything to the personnel for their rape.
*From the time I was dischaged from the Marine Corpse in 1975 to the year 1980,I met a woman named Peggy Doss.I fell in love with her.She was being brutalizd,sexually abused,and threatened by Matt Montecque of Texas City,Texas who was a mafia operative.I sympathized with Peggy,so I decided to learn more about the situation.She said she was being abused by the mafia;and I should not be hanging around her.I told her I would be all right.I finally met Matt;who told me was in the mafia.He asked me if I wanted to join.I said "no".Later,he introduced me to his boss named Bob.Bob told me he was Matt's mafia boss;then said "now you know i am in the mafia,you have to work for us.You have 3 ways out of the mafia:kill yourself,work for us until you die:or,we will kill you".I thought,i will take my option:i will kill them.
stayed around Peggy to collect evidence.Matt was injecting her with drugs.Peggy told me she did not like to[or,want to take drugs].i became furious at the mafia.Matt hired a motorcycle gang to rape her while he was gone.I asked Peggy if she wanted me to help her.I told her I was an ex-Marine;but,she said"no".Finally,while Matt and I was in her trailer with her 3 year old daughter,I caught him throwing he up against the ceiling and bouncing her off[because she was crying]. Then,he said he would return shortly,and closed the door.He stayed there for many minutes.He was sexually raping her.I had enough.I left for a while to plan my schedules.
Later,Mat took me back to Bob's house;and left me there.i noticed a man who was 4" taller than myself standing by a table ans sharpening a knife.I thought that was going to be very pleasant...I was going to be able to kill someone.Bob told me to find him an LSD laboratory or he would contract me[kill me].He sid he would give me a few days.I told him I did not know of any drug dealers.I finally found HIS laboratory address in Denver,colorado[within a few hours].I called him up and told him of the laboratory.
I was showing a friend of mine later where the house Bob lived in was.When we were going down the street,I heard a loud bump.It was a silenced weapon's .38 caliber slug.My friends father was a Police officer;and,identified the slug.I finally had enough.I purchased a .357 magnum;the,I contacted the O.C.C.U. in Galveston[organized crime control unit.I informed them of the situation;and,told them to watch me because the hit men were going to come to me.They sent a black van to watch over me.
after a few days,I never say Bob,Matt,or the motorcycle gang again.neighther did I see the black van.
*in 1979,another friend of mine took some photos of me in a green military uniform,beret,mercenary symbol on my beret;and,aiming CAR 15[.223 cailber]assault rifle from an apartment complex patio[2nd story].
*A short while later,I decided to go to Madison,Wisconsin to visit an old Marine Corps buddy.I did.Little did I know,the O.C.C.U. found my photos and were searching for me.
*this was an electronic psywar against me that was used for various reasons.firstly,I was determined to be expendible due to the fact my father was a mafia operative.
*A.O.P.S. and W.P.O.G. were enemies at that time
*at Robbie street in La Marque,Texas,i saw a woman's spirit who attempted to try to allow her to take me with her to some place.I said "no".She sympathized with me.She was part of the government intelligence later to be known as A.O.P.S.[armaggedon operative,psywar specialist].
*later,I saw an image of a man on my television.he asked me about what i thought about certain technologies.I told him I was busy.He showed me images of hypersonic jets and asked me what i thought about them.I told him "go to hell,i am busy watching my show".He obviously became angry.
*he was part of the Russian W.P.O.G.[world power organization group].He attempted to use psywar electronics to program me into homosexuality,stealing,destroying property,killing animals,and other heinous crimes.I hated homosexuality;and never was programmed into it.a short time later,I began stealing from stores,my parents,and other places.I hated it;but,I did it anyway.I never thought of,nor desired to steal anything;or,commit any crimes.I also killed cats, and detroyed property.I also hated it;even while i did it.
*at the age of 12,a man[neighbor]who was 28 years of age at that time;raped and sexually abused me until I was 14 years of age.I told my parents about it:but,they did nothing.I also told them to contact the Police;but,they did nothing.Finally,I attempted to kill him with chemicals. I failed;but,he was very ill for a short time.
*both sides lost the war to me.
*after the war,I was the sole survivor who could not be programmed;excepting the Police and F.B.I.
*I began to practise;and develope,my psychic capabilities.
I continually heard high frequencies.I perceived them to be television frequencies.They were annoying;and sometimes,even very strong.
*this was an electronic psywar against me that was used for various reasons.firstly,I was determined to be expendible due to the fact my father was a mafia operative.
*A.O.P.S. and W.P.O.G. were enemies at that time
*at Robbie street in La Marque,Texas,i saw a woman's spirit who attempted to try to allow her to take me with her to some place.I said "no".She sympathized with me.She was part of the government intelligence later to be known as A.O.P.S.[armaggedon operative,psywar specialist].
*later,I saw an image of a man on my television.he asked me about what i thought about certain technologies.I told him I was busy.He showed me images of hypersonic jets and asked me what i thought about them.I told him "go to hell,i am busy watching my show".He obviously became angry.
*he was part of the Russian W.P.O.G.[world power organization group].He attempted to use psywar electronics to program me into homosexuality,stealing,destroying property,killing animals,and other heinous crimes.I hated homosexuality;and never was programmed into it.a short time later,I began stealing from stores,my parents,and other places.I hated it;but,I did it anyway.I never thought of,nor desired to steal anything;or,commit any crimes.I also killed cats, and detroyed property.I also hated it;even while i did it.
*at the age of 12,a man[neighbor]who was 28 years of age at that time;raped and sexually abused me until I was 14 years of age.I told my parents about it:but,they did nothing.I also told them to contact the Police;but,they did nothing.Finally,I attempted to kill him with chemicals. I failed;but,he was very ill for a short time.
*both sides lost the war to me.
*after the war,I was the sole survivor who could not be programmed;excepting the Police and F.B.I.
*I began to practise;and develope,my psychic capabilities.
I continually heard high frequencies.I perceived them to be television frequencies.They were annoying;and sometimes,even very strong.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Here is a small list of martial arts i know
*glima wrestling
*goju ryu karate
*shito ryu karate
*shorin ryu karate
*atemi waza
*hun gar kung fu
*kung fu wu su
*hapkido karate
*chuan fa
*pa kua
*hwarang do karate
*tae kwon do karate
*dim mak
*dim muk
*tai pei
*mu duk kwon karate
*chin ching chao[the golden bell cover]
*scorpion kung fu
*kung chao
*hung fut
*choy mok
*hopei hsing i
*fat ging jutsu
*fa ging jutsu
*ting ging jutsu
*lau gar kung fu
*choy gar kung fu
*li gar kung fu
*mok gar kung fu
*shansi kung fu
*honan hsing i
*shuai jao
*wu tai chi chuan
*sun tai chi chuan
*lung ying kung fu
*6 harmony kung fu
*chang chuan kung fu
*tai sing pap kar moon
*10000 lotus petals
*tagake yoshin ryu jutaijutsu
*shinden fudo ryu dakentaijutsu
*nin-po mikkyo ninpo
*great sage monkey kung fu wong
*ch'in ch'iung's killing square rods
*tai tsu's boxing while swallowing a bronze ball
*shaolin endless boxing
*serrada eskrima
*cern do jutsu
*dragon well darn gim jutsu
*woo dip do jutsu
*kuk sool
*keijoukai aikido
*tibetan kung fu
*chin na
*p'ai chang
*hua t'o
*k'd shio tao
*kokikan karate
*ch'o chiao
*tai i ch'uan
*mi tsung i
*li chia ch'uan
*pa ch'uan
*tsujan men
*t'ang lung
*hua t'o
*yimm wing chun kung fu
*wm mui
*sacred mirrors kung fu
*blue lantern kung fu
*glima wrestling
*goju ryu karate
*shito ryu karate
*shorin ryu karate
*atemi waza
*hun gar kung fu
*kung fu wu su
*hapkido karate
*chuan fa
*pa kua
*hwarang do karate
*tae kwon do karate
*dim mak
*dim muk
*tai pei
*mu duk kwon karate
*chin ching chao[the golden bell cover]
*scorpion kung fu
*kung chao
*hung fut
*choy mok
*hopei hsing i
*fat ging jutsu
*fa ging jutsu
*ting ging jutsu
*lau gar kung fu
*choy gar kung fu
*li gar kung fu
*mok gar kung fu
*shansi kung fu
*honan hsing i
*shuai jao
*wu tai chi chuan
*sun tai chi chuan
*lung ying kung fu
*6 harmony kung fu
*chang chuan kung fu
*tai sing pap kar moon
*10000 lotus petals
*tagake yoshin ryu jutaijutsu
*shinden fudo ryu dakentaijutsu
*nin-po mikkyo ninpo
*great sage monkey kung fu wong
*ch'in ch'iung's killing square rods
*tai tsu's boxing while swallowing a bronze ball
*shaolin endless boxing
*serrada eskrima
*cern do jutsu
*dragon well darn gim jutsu
*woo dip do jutsu
*kuk sool
*keijoukai aikido
*tibetan kung fu
*chin na
*p'ai chang
*hua t'o
*k'd shio tao
*kokikan karate
*ch'o chiao
*tai i ch'uan
*mi tsung i
*li chia ch'uan
*pa ch'uan
*tsujan men
*t'ang lung
*hua t'o
*yimm wing chun kung fu
*wm mui
*sacred mirrors kung fu
*blue lantern kung fu
I am a 9th degree red belt and purple sash ranking martial artist.I had 2 schools that i formed in the 1979 and 1981 time period.
i have mastered over 150,000 martial arts.
here is a copy of my school manual:
I started taking various martial arts when I was 3 years of age.Being in the internal martial arts,I received no certificate;however,I can prove my proficiency at any time.
I have come back into the city from the wilderness for a short while,to teach;and,to possibly find an assistant to train to take over the school[eventually].
My duty in the school will be to teach internal arts;while my assistants teach external.As a purple sash rank,I will not teach the violence and time consuming techniques of the external;which is not only disabling;but,also,uselessly inhumane.Keep in mind there are only 16 persons on the world above red/white belt due to the intensely strict laws of life.With this training,any form of violence or argument is looked upon as a selfish and useless attempt at compensation.
My lifestyle is essentially living in the wilderness,or primitive areas.I live in shelters that I build;or,sometimes a tent[depending on the area].Ocassionally,I may teach martial arts;however,I recently started to teach to "outside"or general persons.I will continue to do so until I again go into the wilderness.
If you require further information about me[or the school] that is not mentioned in this booklet; please feel free to approach me with any question you may have;and i will do my best to clarify your curiosity.
Anyone considering joining a Martial Arts school should do so with a logical mind.As with any occupation,there are countless thousands of people in the "Martial Arts" who purchase a black belt,write their own certification papers,read books and magazines,watch movies,practise;then,teach.On the other hand,there are "instructors"of almost all ranks that have valid certifications and could not defend themselves from street attacks.
I have seen many instructors of higher ranks[7th to 9th degree black belt]who would be totally insufficient;and much too slow for even the general large city street fighter.The techniques they have learned are designed for set attacks.Forms are most detrimental to proper learning procedures due to the fact they follow these set attack patterns.A TRUE Martial Arts training teaches the student different moves per situation to prepare the student for defense against spontaneous and unknown attacks.Sparring is valuable for external schools to teach this;however,the internal schols do not rely on this procedure due to the facts that[1]the risk of injury is too high;and,[2]the act of sparring is much too violent.
Belt ranks differ in external and internal schools.A student could easilyreach black belt in an external school;then,leave that school.The student would not be aware of how long his/her proficiency will last until he/she needed further instruction to remain at his/her belt rank.In an internal school,a student can be as easily demoted as promoted.A true martial artist is aware of his/her capabilities all of the time;and,no longer has need of an instructor once a certain belt rank is obtained.This awareness is vital if total self sufficiency in the martial arts is a factor for training.
The main aspect of determining if a martial arts schol is valid or not is to [1]ask the instructor what he would do in a certain fighting situation.See if his answer is of peace or violence[a good fighter does not need to;or,desire to,do any more harm than what he is forced to do],[2]look at the form of the highest performer.External systems teach to use great physical force to smash the targets.Internal systems teach of effortless movement.The student of an internal school learns to literally disassemble an opponent;then,knows how to give medical help for the injuries[including many fatal injuries].
External and Internal schools disagree on all things;including philosophies.External schools teach to defend oneself and others physically;in all adverse situations.Internal schools teach to use mnimum effort to accomplish a task.Extremely rare situations warrant fighting.External schools teach respect instructors.Internal schools teach BROTHERHOOD.External schools use physical exertion to develope muscles.Internal schools tone down the muscles AND develope the mind simultaneously.In fact,everything within the martial arts isexactly opposite in comparisons between the external and internal styles.
It is a student's[or future student's]own choice which school and style to take part in.Comparisons are of no use;however,until the student first knows his/her goals.Some comparisons will be given in partiality;but,only the student can form;and design,goals.
The questions to ask are as follows[if the student wishes to know the answers;of course]:[1]do the instructors also teach internal arts?[2]what belt rank do they have?[3]how many martial arts do they teach?[4]how long are classes?[5]how long do excercises last?[6]howproficient are the instructors?[7]do the instructors strike the students?[8]do the instructors teach each detail in sequence;or do they explain the major points of a technique only?[9]how much are the payments?[10]how many days a week do the students have classes?[11]is there a free lesson and orientation program available for decision making?[12]is/are the art[s] they teach effective for the students use?[13]are here many students being taught at one time?[14]does the instructor ignore any wrong moves of any of his students;or,does he teach each student individually during class?[15]is there a set teaching pattern or all of his students?
Keep in mind that written and spoken words mean nothing to a future student.What an instructor does;and how he reacts to each situation is the most important factor combination.No one ;but,a few,can write exactly what the martial arts are or what they teach philosophically.These things can only be understood by very close observation of the students or instructor[a student shows the style of the instructor].
For a person to enter into the martial arts field of study;that person must first learn the essence of the martial arts.Breaking boards with 14' high flying kicks ;or breaking concrete is not this essence[anyone can do those things].The martial arts represents peace,calmness,passiveness, friendliness,kindness,mercy,and compassion[among other things].The physical warfare is a last resort duty to protect lives-nothing else.
Martial arts are a way of life.They teach total self-sufficiency under almost any conditions.The higher belt ranks represent a proficiency level towards Priesthood.This priesthood is for very few;and not for any but special students[though it would not hinder or limit students should they continue a non priesthood member].Each student must choose which level and teaching he/she may desire to pursue.Each technique wil be altered to be compatible with each student's own body and mind[any failure of each student would be the incorrectness of the instructor's teaching method].
The previously mentioned priesthood;if chosen,is not a standard religion by any is not a cult or "occult" religion.It is simply a set of rules that are numerous and exceedingly strict.
Each rule is a philosophical instruction that provokes extreme discipline.More than 92% of the things done by most people on the earth;are not allowed in this religion.
The true martial arts are simple to learn.The most difficult phase is stretching excercises.These arts are passive;and,though they are extremely dangerous,are beautifull to watch.Relaxation and non use of muscular activity are the "secret"to proper technique and speed.
The martial arts consists of many areas of study besides the 2 forms of fighting.These areas include:medicine,religion,philosophy,meditation,accupressure,art training,music training, food detoxification,relaxation,herbal training,breathing correction,patience training,weather resistance,and total self sufficiency;to name a few.
Martial arts are based opon developing the body and mind to "impossible" limits.Belt ranks indicate progress of each of these limits;and show proficiency of the individual.Once the student reaches black belt,the student begins training of only the mind in areas similar to "psychic"fields.These mental energies can never be abused or "shown off" without causing physical and mental damage to one's self.Self control is vital in this training.
Philosophy andmeditation are not forced upon the students.They are not religious beliefs;though religion is highly stressed.They are used for purposes of training the body and mind to produce harmony between these and nature.By accomplishing this;the martial arts aspects of peace,love,and helping others in time of need displays the true meaning of martial arts religion and philosophy that begin to rise.
Attitudes of both the instructor and students must be tuned to produce maximum results in training.It is very important to both that the students do not believe what is taught by any instructor unless seen andperformed by themselves.In the martial arts training of this school,a student of any rank is both a student and instructor.There are virtually no "top men" in this training.Every person is equal in all aspects;except knowledge,technique,and form[as are all people].
As mentioned previously;there are 2 forms of fighting arts in the martial arts:[1]the internal and[2]the external.Firstly,the external arts consists of training only the body to build strength for forcefull kicks,punches,and blocks.Secondly,the internal arts consists of training the mind to such a point the body is no longer needed to do work;therefore increasing[1]efficiency,[2] peacefullness,[3]concentration,[4]focus,[5]abilities,[6]stamina,[7]endurance,[8]self sufficiency and[9]distance used.
Most of the martial arts of the world today are purely external.very few who teach internal arts only teach to specially chosen persons.I teach both internal and external arts;and,program each lesson spontaneously accordingly to the capabilities of each student individually.There is no room for accidents;even during sparring.Safety is stressed so that each student can be aware of what his/her hands,feet,arms,legs,head,and chest are doing;and at what time.During testing of each belt rank,the student will be told to perform different maneuvers than those practised;therefore proving his/her efficiency at adjustment which is vital to martial arts training.
Lastly,I would like to give various suggestions for each martial artist[or,soon to be martial artist].[1]go to different schools and observe their form,rank,and proficiency[2]ask yourself if the techniques they are performing are efficient,or[dangerously enough]a "spor"[3]next,ask if you want to join for protection purposes;or,to be an actor.
Once you decide;ask the individual instructors why they do each technique;andwhat the techniques will do for them in combat.On the streets,there are no questions asked.See if each sschool allows students to ask the instructor questions such as "wouldn't you have been hit if...";or say things like"you did that side kick should have...".If the instructor allows this,the student will taught to think on his own;and not be a follower.This is most vital in an art taught to keep you and others safe in a dangerous;or posibly fatal,environment.
This school is a specialized school in martial arts training.There is no sport in the techniques taught.Every aspect is dealt with in a serious manner within an atmosphere of peace,love,and friendship.There is an age limit of 3 years of age to 83 years of age.Classes will be different for varying age groups to provide physical and mental harmony;and,to prevent misuse or abuse.
In the past[in Middleton,Wisconsin],the students chose their own training rates and reached their goals in due time.I will do this in this school also.One student reached his goal of 1st degre black belt in 3 1/2 months.The usual time for mostschools is 3 to 7 years[usually].
I will personally guarantee that all of my techniques I may teach will be 100% effective in any of the worst events to occur on the streets in any city.These techniques are from ancient instructors;and are the true forms of martial arts.They must;however,be used correctly.
Many schools only 1 to 3 martial arts styles.They advertise karate,judo,etc.I do not advertise in general categories.Instead of just saying karate,I may say sito ryu goju ryu,taekwon do,etc.For simplistic purposes,I shall state what form of martial arts each style represents.
I will teach over 50 different martial arts styles.These are as follows:
[1]kenpo karate,[2]choy lay fut kung fu,[3]tai fi ken,[4]hop gar kung fu,[5]hung gar kung fu,[6]kashinobo,[7]isshin ryu karate,[8]wado ryu karate,[9]chi kung,[10]t'ien shan p'ai kung fu,[11] shantung black tiger kung fu,[12]pak mei kung fu,[13]goju ryu karate,[14]shito ryu karate,[15] shorin ryu karate,[16]ate waza,[17]kung fu wu su,[18]hapkido karate,[19]bando,[20]bushido,[21]shorinji kenpo karate,[22]monkee boxing,[23]sil lum tao kung fu,[24]thai boxing,[25]chuan fa,[26]pa kua,[27]wing chun kung fu,[28]hwarang do karate,[29]tae kwon do karate,[30] aikido,[31]savate,[32]yawara,[33]dim mak,[34]dim muk,[35]chin ching chao,[36]tai chi chuan,[37]shotokan judo,[38]kodokan judo,[39]jiu jitsu,[40]hsing i,[41]white crane kung fu,[42] gorilla kung fu,[43]cobra kung fu,[44]tang soo do karate,[45]tiger kung fu,[46]drunken styles kung fu,[47]sticking hands,[48]pentjak silate,[49]tai pei,[50]mu duk kwon karate,[51]green dragon kung fu,[52]scorpion kung fu,[53praying mantis kung fu,[54]kung chao,[55]chi tao,[56]thunder god kung fu,[57]bo jitsu,[58]lost track kung fu,and others.
For the personsd who are not knowledgeable of the martial arts,I have simply explained the true meaning of the martial arts.Throughout the years,the "martial arts"names have been polluted and the martials arts have become a "sport".This school teaches the total martial arts range.The martial arts fighting styles are used to protect yourself and others from the most dangerous of criminals with very little effort.
The training rovided by my staf and I provide maximum physical;and mental,stamina and endurance regardless of previous injuries.One female had a shattered hip;and still maintained very fine and strong form for external styles.ASlways remember;however,to let us know of any physical or mental disabilities you may have.We have the knowledge of martial arts techniques to correct;or eliminate,most adverse reactions or consequences of extensively listed injuries.
To conclude,never have fear of any person regardless of how strong;or,aggressive he may be.And especially your instructor,or other students.If you decide to join my school,let any black belt[or above]instructors know of any fears you may have and we will do our o make you comfortable.For added comfort,we will serve herbs and herbal teas if you choose to take them.These will only be served ocassionally.And if you require anything further of me,speak with me;and I will do my best to offer you what you desire.
Music and art are 2 of the most important training of the theinternal martial arts.If a student can play a musical instrument and draw pictures,the martial arts will be learned quickly and easily.Vibrations from musical instruments and smooth,flowing movements of art join together to correct all malfunctions within the physiological,mental,and electromagnetic energy levels.In turn,the body is "tuned" to a specific frequency level;then,gradually rises or falls as the student chooses.Being tuned,the student is capable of performing techniques beyond that student's comprehension.By having guidance to self control[these techniques performed by the physical ], the mind controls sequential defense and offense stategies.The physical body then follows all commands immediately;therefore,no thought of any maneuver is ever present within the conscious section of the student's mind.
External special training includes iron hand,iron foot,iron body,and instant and delayed death touches.Other training forms are taught;though,due to the extensive listing,I have only listed the major areas.These arts can be easily learned if the student is knowledgeable in music and art.
Training in the martial arts fields;for those who desire to obtain priesthood,is a lifetime study.No one ever becomes what martial artists term a "master".There areonly 3 mastersworldwide;and they do not use limited accesss styles.The student on the other hand,tries 24 hours a day/7 days a week trying to become a perfect human being.This goal in itself,naturally would take most people at the least a lifetime to reach.I have 21 years experience and I have not yet begun to learn the basics of the martial arts styles,forms,philosophies,fighting,and other teachings.Withthis thoght in mind,any student can progress andlearn more astime goes on;even without an instructor[once a certain belt rank is obtained].
*brown:3rd degree
*brown:2nd degree
*brown:1st degree
*black:1st degree
*black:2nd degree
*black:3rd degree
*black:4th degree
*black:5th degree
*black:6th degree
*black:7th degree
*black:8th degree
*black:9th degree
*black:10th degree
*red:1st degree
*red:2nd degree
*red :3rd degree
*red:4th degree
*red:5th degree
*red:6th degree
*red:7th degree
*red:8th degree
*red:9th dgree
*red:10th degree
*dervish:1st degree
*dervish:2nd degree
*dervish:3rd degree
*bishops ranks
*masters ranks
*grand masters ranks:3
*be not a leader,for I may turn down a different path
be not a follower,for you may stumble on obstacles in the way
walk beside me and we shal be equal
*the teeth are hard and fall out;but,the tongue is soft and remains
*to be strong,one must first be weak
to learn to see one must first be blind
to try to stand,one must first fall
to know oneself,one must first know his creator
*the simple look at the impossible and ask"why?"
the wise look at theimpossible and ask "why not?"
*those who say they know all things,know notghing
those who say they know nothing,know all things
*the beauty and strength of the mind is as a flower's
they can only be present when open
when the love of power is replaced by the power of love;then shall you attain the infinite
*chin na
*heki ryu karate
*olonga n' gali
*jodo ryu
*sumo wrestling
*muay thai
*tether wrestling
*chi sao
*phon sao
*woo dip do
*saom gee kwan
*kwon do
*shi kung
*hua t'o
*p'ai chang
*hakko ryu karate
*goshin ryu karate
*kiai jitsu
*shorei ryu karate
*k'd shio tao
*kokikan karate
*ch'o chiao
*tai i ch'uan
*hop gar kung fu
*mi tsung i
*li chia ch'uan
*tsujan men
*t'ang lung
*uechi ryu karate
*hua t'o
*wm mui
*yimm wing chun kung fu
*glima wrestling
*shito ryu karate
*shorin ryu karate
*atemi waza
*chuan fa
*dim mak
*dim muk
*jiu jutsu
*hsing i
*tai pei
*green dragon kung fu
*red dragon kung fu
*black dragon kung fu
*chin ching chao[golden bell cover]
*scorpion kung fu
*chi tao
*white eyebrow shaolin art
*hung fut
*choy mok
*hopei hsing i
*fat ging jutsu
*ting ging jutsu
*dong ging jutsu
*lau gar kung fu
*choy gar kung fu
*li gar kung fu
*mok gar kung fu
*shansi kung fu
*honan hsing i
*shuai jao
*wu tai chi chan
*sun tai chi chuan
*serrada eskrima
*cern do jutsu
*dragon well darn gim jutsu
*kuk sool
*tai tsu's boxing while swallowing a bronze ball
*shaolin endless boxing
*ch'in ch'iungs killing square rods
*8 drunken fairies
*tai sing pap kar moon
*10000 lotus petals
*shinden fudo ryu dakentaijutsu
*nin-po mikkyo ninpo
*chang chuan kung fu
*6 harmony kung fu
*lung ying kung fu
*chi chi
*chi tao
*tagaki yoshin ryu jutaijutsugreat sage monkey kung fu wong
i have mastered over 150,000 martial arts.
here is a copy of my school manual:
I started taking various martial arts when I was 3 years of age.Being in the internal martial arts,I received no certificate;however,I can prove my proficiency at any time.
I have come back into the city from the wilderness for a short while,to teach;and,to possibly find an assistant to train to take over the school[eventually].
My duty in the school will be to teach internal arts;while my assistants teach external.As a purple sash rank,I will not teach the violence and time consuming techniques of the external;which is not only disabling;but,also,uselessly inhumane.Keep in mind there are only 16 persons on the world above red/white belt due to the intensely strict laws of life.With this training,any form of violence or argument is looked upon as a selfish and useless attempt at compensation.
My lifestyle is essentially living in the wilderness,or primitive areas.I live in shelters that I build;or,sometimes a tent[depending on the area].Ocassionally,I may teach martial arts;however,I recently started to teach to "outside"or general persons.I will continue to do so until I again go into the wilderness.
If you require further information about me[or the school] that is not mentioned in this booklet; please feel free to approach me with any question you may have;and i will do my best to clarify your curiosity.
Anyone considering joining a Martial Arts school should do so with a logical mind.As with any occupation,there are countless thousands of people in the "Martial Arts" who purchase a black belt,write their own certification papers,read books and magazines,watch movies,practise;then,teach.On the other hand,there are "instructors"of almost all ranks that have valid certifications and could not defend themselves from street attacks.
I have seen many instructors of higher ranks[7th to 9th degree black belt]who would be totally insufficient;and much too slow for even the general large city street fighter.The techniques they have learned are designed for set attacks.Forms are most detrimental to proper learning procedures due to the fact they follow these set attack patterns.A TRUE Martial Arts training teaches the student different moves per situation to prepare the student for defense against spontaneous and unknown attacks.Sparring is valuable for external schools to teach this;however,the internal schols do not rely on this procedure due to the facts that[1]the risk of injury is too high;and,[2]the act of sparring is much too violent.
Belt ranks differ in external and internal schools.A student could easilyreach black belt in an external school;then,leave that school.The student would not be aware of how long his/her proficiency will last until he/she needed further instruction to remain at his/her belt rank.In an internal school,a student can be as easily demoted as promoted.A true martial artist is aware of his/her capabilities all of the time;and,no longer has need of an instructor once a certain belt rank is obtained.This awareness is vital if total self sufficiency in the martial arts is a factor for training.
The main aspect of determining if a martial arts schol is valid or not is to [1]ask the instructor what he would do in a certain fighting situation.See if his answer is of peace or violence[a good fighter does not need to;or,desire to,do any more harm than what he is forced to do],[2]look at the form of the highest performer.External systems teach to use great physical force to smash the targets.Internal systems teach of effortless movement.The student of an internal school learns to literally disassemble an opponent;then,knows how to give medical help for the injuries[including many fatal injuries].
External and Internal schools disagree on all things;including philosophies.External schools teach to defend oneself and others physically;in all adverse situations.Internal schools teach to use mnimum effort to accomplish a task.Extremely rare situations warrant fighting.External schools teach respect instructors.Internal schools teach BROTHERHOOD.External schools use physical exertion to develope muscles.Internal schools tone down the muscles AND develope the mind simultaneously.In fact,everything within the martial arts isexactly opposite in comparisons between the external and internal styles.
It is a student's[or future student's]own choice which school and style to take part in.Comparisons are of no use;however,until the student first knows his/her goals.Some comparisons will be given in partiality;but,only the student can form;and design,goals.
The questions to ask are as follows[if the student wishes to know the answers;of course]:[1]do the instructors also teach internal arts?[2]what belt rank do they have?[3]how many martial arts do they teach?[4]how long are classes?[5]how long do excercises last?[6]howproficient are the instructors?[7]do the instructors strike the students?[8]do the instructors teach each detail in sequence;or do they explain the major points of a technique only?[9]how much are the payments?[10]how many days a week do the students have classes?[11]is there a free lesson and orientation program available for decision making?[12]is/are the art[s] they teach effective for the students use?[13]are here many students being taught at one time?[14]does the instructor ignore any wrong moves of any of his students;or,does he teach each student individually during class?[15]is there a set teaching pattern or all of his students?
Keep in mind that written and spoken words mean nothing to a future student.What an instructor does;and how he reacts to each situation is the most important factor combination.No one ;but,a few,can write exactly what the martial arts are or what they teach philosophically.These things can only be understood by very close observation of the students or instructor[a student shows the style of the instructor].
For a person to enter into the martial arts field of study;that person must first learn the essence of the martial arts.Breaking boards with 14' high flying kicks ;or breaking concrete is not this essence[anyone can do those things].The martial arts represents peace,calmness,passiveness, friendliness,kindness,mercy,and compassion[among other things].The physical warfare is a last resort duty to protect lives-nothing else.
Martial arts are a way of life.They teach total self-sufficiency under almost any conditions.The higher belt ranks represent a proficiency level towards Priesthood.This priesthood is for very few;and not for any but special students[though it would not hinder or limit students should they continue a non priesthood member].Each student must choose which level and teaching he/she may desire to pursue.Each technique wil be altered to be compatible with each student's own body and mind[any failure of each student would be the incorrectness of the instructor's teaching method].
The previously mentioned priesthood;if chosen,is not a standard religion by any is not a cult or "occult" religion.It is simply a set of rules that are numerous and exceedingly strict.
Each rule is a philosophical instruction that provokes extreme discipline.More than 92% of the things done by most people on the earth;are not allowed in this religion.
The true martial arts are simple to learn.The most difficult phase is stretching excercises.These arts are passive;and,though they are extremely dangerous,are beautifull to watch.Relaxation and non use of muscular activity are the "secret"to proper technique and speed.
The martial arts consists of many areas of study besides the 2 forms of fighting.These areas include:medicine,religion,philosophy,meditation,accupressure,art training,music training, food detoxification,relaxation,herbal training,breathing correction,patience training,weather resistance,and total self sufficiency;to name a few.
Martial arts are based opon developing the body and mind to "impossible" limits.Belt ranks indicate progress of each of these limits;and show proficiency of the individual.Once the student reaches black belt,the student begins training of only the mind in areas similar to "psychic"fields.These mental energies can never be abused or "shown off" without causing physical and mental damage to one's self.Self control is vital in this training.
Philosophy andmeditation are not forced upon the students.They are not religious beliefs;though religion is highly stressed.They are used for purposes of training the body and mind to produce harmony between these and nature.By accomplishing this;the martial arts aspects of peace,love,and helping others in time of need displays the true meaning of martial arts religion and philosophy that begin to rise.
Attitudes of both the instructor and students must be tuned to produce maximum results in training.It is very important to both that the students do not believe what is taught by any instructor unless seen andperformed by themselves.In the martial arts training of this school,a student of any rank is both a student and instructor.There are virtually no "top men" in this training.Every person is equal in all aspects;except knowledge,technique,and form[as are all people].
As mentioned previously;there are 2 forms of fighting arts in the martial arts:[1]the internal and[2]the external.Firstly,the external arts consists of training only the body to build strength for forcefull kicks,punches,and blocks.Secondly,the internal arts consists of training the mind to such a point the body is no longer needed to do work;therefore increasing[1]efficiency,[2] peacefullness,[3]concentration,[4]focus,[5]abilities,[6]stamina,[7]endurance,[8]self sufficiency and[9]distance used.
Most of the martial arts of the world today are purely external.very few who teach internal arts only teach to specially chosen persons.I teach both internal and external arts;and,program each lesson spontaneously accordingly to the capabilities of each student individually.There is no room for accidents;even during sparring.Safety is stressed so that each student can be aware of what his/her hands,feet,arms,legs,head,and chest are doing;and at what time.During testing of each belt rank,the student will be told to perform different maneuvers than those practised;therefore proving his/her efficiency at adjustment which is vital to martial arts training.
Lastly,I would like to give various suggestions for each martial artist[or,soon to be martial artist].[1]go to different schools and observe their form,rank,and proficiency[2]ask yourself if the techniques they are performing are efficient,or[dangerously enough]a "spor"[3]next,ask if you want to join for protection purposes;or,to be an actor.
Once you decide;ask the individual instructors why they do each technique;andwhat the techniques will do for them in combat.On the streets,there are no questions asked.See if each sschool allows students to ask the instructor questions such as "wouldn't you have been hit if...";or say things like"you did that side kick should have...".If the instructor allows this,the student will taught to think on his own;and not be a follower.This is most vital in an art taught to keep you and others safe in a dangerous;or posibly fatal,environment.
This school is a specialized school in martial arts training.There is no sport in the techniques taught.Every aspect is dealt with in a serious manner within an atmosphere of peace,love,and friendship.There is an age limit of 3 years of age to 83 years of age.Classes will be different for varying age groups to provide physical and mental harmony;and,to prevent misuse or abuse.
In the past[in Middleton,Wisconsin],the students chose their own training rates and reached their goals in due time.I will do this in this school also.One student reached his goal of 1st degre black belt in 3 1/2 months.The usual time for mostschools is 3 to 7 years[usually].
I will personally guarantee that all of my techniques I may teach will be 100% effective in any of the worst events to occur on the streets in any city.These techniques are from ancient instructors;and are the true forms of martial arts.They must;however,be used correctly.
Many schools only 1 to 3 martial arts styles.They advertise karate,judo,etc.I do not advertise in general categories.Instead of just saying karate,I may say sito ryu goju ryu,taekwon do,etc.For simplistic purposes,I shall state what form of martial arts each style represents.
I will teach over 50 different martial arts styles.These are as follows:
[1]kenpo karate,[2]choy lay fut kung fu,[3]tai fi ken,[4]hop gar kung fu,[5]hung gar kung fu,[6]kashinobo,[7]isshin ryu karate,[8]wado ryu karate,[9]chi kung,[10]t'ien shan p'ai kung fu,[11] shantung black tiger kung fu,[12]pak mei kung fu,[13]goju ryu karate,[14]shito ryu karate,[15] shorin ryu karate,[16]ate waza,[17]kung fu wu su,[18]hapkido karate,[19]bando,[20]bushido,[21]shorinji kenpo karate,[22]monkee boxing,[23]sil lum tao kung fu,[24]thai boxing,[25]chuan fa,[26]pa kua,[27]wing chun kung fu,[28]hwarang do karate,[29]tae kwon do karate,[30] aikido,[31]savate,[32]yawara,[33]dim mak,[34]dim muk,[35]chin ching chao,[36]tai chi chuan,[37]shotokan judo,[38]kodokan judo,[39]jiu jitsu,[40]hsing i,[41]white crane kung fu,[42] gorilla kung fu,[43]cobra kung fu,[44]tang soo do karate,[45]tiger kung fu,[46]drunken styles kung fu,[47]sticking hands,[48]pentjak silate,[49]tai pei,[50]mu duk kwon karate,[51]green dragon kung fu,[52]scorpion kung fu,[53praying mantis kung fu,[54]kung chao,[55]chi tao,[56]thunder god kung fu,[57]bo jitsu,[58]lost track kung fu,and others.
For the personsd who are not knowledgeable of the martial arts,I have simply explained the true meaning of the martial arts.Throughout the years,the "martial arts"names have been polluted and the martials arts have become a "sport".This school teaches the total martial arts range.The martial arts fighting styles are used to protect yourself and others from the most dangerous of criminals with very little effort.
The training rovided by my staf and I provide maximum physical;and mental,stamina and endurance regardless of previous injuries.One female had a shattered hip;and still maintained very fine and strong form for external styles.ASlways remember;however,to let us know of any physical or mental disabilities you may have.We have the knowledge of martial arts techniques to correct;or eliminate,most adverse reactions or consequences of extensively listed injuries.
To conclude,never have fear of any person regardless of how strong;or,aggressive he may be.And especially your instructor,or other students.If you decide to join my school,let any black belt[or above]instructors know of any fears you may have and we will do our o make you comfortable.For added comfort,we will serve herbs and herbal teas if you choose to take them.These will only be served ocassionally.And if you require anything further of me,speak with me;and I will do my best to offer you what you desire.
Music and art are 2 of the most important training of the theinternal martial arts.If a student can play a musical instrument and draw pictures,the martial arts will be learned quickly and easily.Vibrations from musical instruments and smooth,flowing movements of art join together to correct all malfunctions within the physiological,mental,and electromagnetic energy levels.In turn,the body is "tuned" to a specific frequency level;then,gradually rises or falls as the student chooses.Being tuned,the student is capable of performing techniques beyond that student's comprehension.By having guidance to self control[these techniques performed by the physical ], the mind controls sequential defense and offense stategies.The physical body then follows all commands immediately;therefore,no thought of any maneuver is ever present within the conscious section of the student's mind.
External special training includes iron hand,iron foot,iron body,and instant and delayed death touches.Other training forms are taught;though,due to the extensive listing,I have only listed the major areas.These arts can be easily learned if the student is knowledgeable in music and art.
Training in the martial arts fields;for those who desire to obtain priesthood,is a lifetime study.No one ever becomes what martial artists term a "master".There areonly 3 mastersworldwide;and they do not use limited accesss styles.The student on the other hand,tries 24 hours a day/7 days a week trying to become a perfect human being.This goal in itself,naturally would take most people at the least a lifetime to reach.I have 21 years experience and I have not yet begun to learn the basics of the martial arts styles,forms,philosophies,fighting,and other teachings.Withthis thoght in mind,any student can progress andlearn more astime goes on;even without an instructor[once a certain belt rank is obtained].
*brown:3rd degree
*brown:2nd degree
*brown:1st degree
*black:1st degree
*black:2nd degree
*black:3rd degree
*black:4th degree
*black:5th degree
*black:6th degree
*black:7th degree
*black:8th degree
*black:9th degree
*black:10th degree
*red:1st degree
*red:2nd degree
*red :3rd degree
*red:4th degree
*red:5th degree
*red:6th degree
*red:7th degree
*red:8th degree
*red:9th dgree
*red:10th degree
*dervish:1st degree
*dervish:2nd degree
*dervish:3rd degree
*bishops ranks
*masters ranks
*grand masters ranks:3
*be not a leader,for I may turn down a different path
be not a follower,for you may stumble on obstacles in the way
walk beside me and we shal be equal
*the teeth are hard and fall out;but,the tongue is soft and remains
*to be strong,one must first be weak
to learn to see one must first be blind
to try to stand,one must first fall
to know oneself,one must first know his creator
*the simple look at the impossible and ask"why?"
the wise look at theimpossible and ask "why not?"
*those who say they know all things,know notghing
those who say they know nothing,know all things
*the beauty and strength of the mind is as a flower's
they can only be present when open
when the love of power is replaced by the power of love;then shall you attain the infinite
*chin na
*heki ryu karate
*olonga n' gali
*jodo ryu
*sumo wrestling
*muay thai
*tether wrestling
*chi sao
*phon sao
*woo dip do
*saom gee kwan
*kwon do
*shi kung
*hua t'o
*p'ai chang
*hakko ryu karate
*goshin ryu karate
*kiai jitsu
*shorei ryu karate
*k'd shio tao
*kokikan karate
*ch'o chiao
*tai i ch'uan
*hop gar kung fu
*mi tsung i
*li chia ch'uan
*tsujan men
*t'ang lung
*uechi ryu karate
*hua t'o
*wm mui
*yimm wing chun kung fu
*glima wrestling
*shito ryu karate
*shorin ryu karate
*atemi waza
*chuan fa
*dim mak
*dim muk
*jiu jutsu
*hsing i
*tai pei
*green dragon kung fu
*red dragon kung fu
*black dragon kung fu
*chin ching chao[golden bell cover]
*scorpion kung fu
*chi tao
*white eyebrow shaolin art
*hung fut
*choy mok
*hopei hsing i
*fat ging jutsu
*ting ging jutsu
*dong ging jutsu
*lau gar kung fu
*choy gar kung fu
*li gar kung fu
*mok gar kung fu
*shansi kung fu
*honan hsing i
*shuai jao
*wu tai chi chan
*sun tai chi chuan
*serrada eskrima
*cern do jutsu
*dragon well darn gim jutsu
*kuk sool
*tai tsu's boxing while swallowing a bronze ball
*shaolin endless boxing
*ch'in ch'iungs killing square rods
*8 drunken fairies
*tai sing pap kar moon
*10000 lotus petals
*shinden fudo ryu dakentaijutsu
*nin-po mikkyo ninpo
*chang chuan kung fu
*6 harmony kung fu
*lung ying kung fu
*chi chi
*chi tao
*tagaki yoshin ryu jutaijutsugreat sage monkey kung fu wong
Saturday, February 7, 2009
My Perfect Wife
these are the characteristics of a perfect wife for me:
*desires to be by my side always
*let me be free
*not demanding
*likes to play sports occasionally
*allows me to cook;but,cooks also
*lets me clean the home;but,will if i cannot
*desires to learn new things
*not bothered by a technological lifestyle
*likes a simple lifestyle
*likes music
*is a martial artist
*likes watching movies
*very passionate
*very caring
*very loving
*in good physical shape
*loves health foods
*shares our life together
*loves poetry
*has a thin oval face
*hard worker
*happy most of the time
*be herself;and not what she thinks i would want her to be
*god personality
*speaks english
*knows math
*knows accounting and bookkeeping
*knows financial management
*knows grant writing
*likes to travel
*knows how to sing
*capable of accepting and giving suggestions
*knows first aid
*knows herbal remedies
*allows me to be stubborn
*does not wear cosmetics
*good in phlosophy
*stict in moral values
*physically fit
*loves colorfull clothing;and wears colorfll clothing
*plays oboe
*loves giving massages
*likes herbal teas
*likes foods from worldwide
*has a high pitched voice
*cherishes love*values love over physical desires
*likes science fiction
willing to discuss things she does not like
*never argues
*shy to very shy
*quiet around others
*talkative to me
*tells me what sh wants in life
*content with life
*always tries to get what makes her happy
*shares with me
*no body piercings
*only special tattoos[if any]
*weras long dresses or a hakama
*likes to wear a gold head band
*does not wear much jewelry
*loves to cuddle and snuggle
*strong in the most difficult of times
*can keep secrets well
*strong determination
*smooth voice
*loves jasmine perfume and scent
*strong willed
*free willed
*sensibly carefree
*capable of being spontaneous
*taoist or zen buddhist trained
*loves nature
*loves rain storms
*warriorlike in trouble
*commanding;if necessary
*always striving for equality to me
*hatha yoga aught/limber
*kundalini yoga trained
*nowledgeable and proficient in weapnry
*long hair
*short finger/toe nails
*naturally red lips
*small ears
*small short nose
*smal round eyes
*narrow oval face
*bangs to her eyebrows
*small narrow feet
*smal hands
*does not wer high heel shoes
*likes jasmine inscense
*likes candle light
*tai chi chuan trained
*loves laughter
*likes comedy
*likes old egyptian belly dancing clothing
*likes tropical weather
*can ive in hot or cold weather
*likes technology
*likes what money can buy more than money itself
*straight smooth hair
*thai,japanese,chinese,or indian
*smoth skin
*low volume voice
*proud of herself
*self centered
*violent if provoked
*ngered if provoked
*demanding if necessary
*intelligent in simple matters
*loves animals
*hates evil
*loves good
*strives for perfection
*knowledgeable in good lifestyles
*capable of living in small spaces
*desires to go into space one day
*desires to live life to its fullest
*flexible in lifestyles
*likes challenges
*easily excitable
*wears a veil in public
*avoids conflicts
*teasing in love
*angelic in beauty
*flirtatious with me
*plays sitar
*likes oboe and sitar music
*likes all types music
*medical trained
*types fast on keyboards
*can write software using PERL
*desires to be by my side always
*let me be free
*not demanding
*likes to play sports occasionally
*allows me to cook;but,cooks also
*lets me clean the home;but,will if i cannot
*desires to learn new things
*not bothered by a technological lifestyle
*likes a simple lifestyle
*likes music
*is a martial artist
*likes watching movies
*very passionate
*very caring
*very loving
*in good physical shape
*loves health foods
*shares our life together
*loves poetry
*has a thin oval face
*hard worker
*happy most of the time
*be herself;and not what she thinks i would want her to be
*god personality
*speaks english
*knows math
*knows accounting and bookkeeping
*knows financial management
*knows grant writing
*likes to travel
*knows how to sing
*capable of accepting and giving suggestions
*knows first aid
*knows herbal remedies
*allows me to be stubborn
*does not wear cosmetics
*good in phlosophy
*stict in moral values
*physically fit
*loves colorfull clothing;and wears colorfll clothing
*plays oboe
*loves giving massages
*likes herbal teas
*likes foods from worldwide
*has a high pitched voice
*cherishes love*values love over physical desires
*likes science fiction
willing to discuss things she does not like
*never argues
*shy to very shy
*quiet around others
*talkative to me
*tells me what sh wants in life
*content with life
*always tries to get what makes her happy
*shares with me
*no body piercings
*only special tattoos[if any]
*weras long dresses or a hakama
*likes to wear a gold head band
*does not wear much jewelry
*loves to cuddle and snuggle
*strong in the most difficult of times
*can keep secrets well
*strong determination
*smooth voice
*loves jasmine perfume and scent
*strong willed
*free willed
*sensibly carefree
*capable of being spontaneous
*taoist or zen buddhist trained
*loves nature
*loves rain storms
*warriorlike in trouble
*commanding;if necessary
*always striving for equality to me
*hatha yoga aught/limber
*kundalini yoga trained
*nowledgeable and proficient in weapnry
*long hair
*short finger/toe nails
*naturally red lips
*small ears
*small short nose
*smal round eyes
*narrow oval face
*bangs to her eyebrows
*small narrow feet
*smal hands
*does not wer high heel shoes
*likes jasmine inscense
*likes candle light
*tai chi chuan trained
*loves laughter
*likes comedy
*likes old egyptian belly dancing clothing
*likes tropical weather
*can ive in hot or cold weather
*likes technology
*likes what money can buy more than money itself
*straight smooth hair
*thai,japanese,chinese,or indian
*smoth skin
*low volume voice
*proud of herself
*self centered
*violent if provoked
*ngered if provoked
*demanding if necessary
*intelligent in simple matters
*loves animals
*hates evil
*loves good
*strives for perfection
*knowledgeable in good lifestyles
*capable of living in small spaces
*desires to go into space one day
*desires to live life to its fullest
*flexible in lifestyles
*likes challenges
*easily excitable
*wears a veil in public
*avoids conflicts
*teasing in love
*angelic in beauty
*flirtatious with me
*plays sitar
*likes oboe and sitar music
*likes all types music
*medical trained
*types fast on keyboards
*can write software using PERL
My Websites
brian adams: [Everything I do] I do it for You
men in hats
bowling for soup
ted nugent: Paralyzed
Great White Buffalo
judas priest: Ram It Down
hooters: Day By Day
foreigner: Double Vision
beastie boys
toby keith
dido: White Flag
avril lavigne: Complicated
vanessa carlton
mary chapin carpenter
cheap trick
rick springfield
rick springsteen
the cars
pat travers
run dmc
patsy kline
dr hook
steve miller band
pat benatar
foxy brown
cyndi lauper: Time After Time
True Colors
crowded house
black sabbath
harry chapin
the associations: Requiem for the Masses
the who
guess who
tommy james and the shondells
van halen
tristan prettyman
tom petty: Free Falling
tlc: Unpretty
simon and garfuncle
rick wakeman
monkees metallica maverics: Crying Shame led zepellin kiss journey killers iron maiden aerosmith roxanne shante effervescence uncle kracker limp biskit guns n roses chieftains hot chocolate parliament wild cherry
nwa Men without hats dmx def leppard quiet riot cat stevens utfo roberta flack the carpenters mc hammer joe satriani go go's black widow mystic moods moody blues elp electric light orchestra pat travers nic pascal ray stevens demon slayer roadrunner blondie veruca salt hellogoodbye paulina Rubio TYPES OF MUSIC I LIKE: ORCHESTRAL CLASSICAL ROCK HARD ROCK ACID ROCK SYNTHESIZER CELTIC RAP COUNTRY HIP HOP r&b
heavy metal MUSIC VIDEOS I LIKE:
SADE: by your side Rock Master Scott and The Dynamic Three: DJ Pick Up The Phone Bad Boys featuring K-Love: Inspector Gadget Newcleus: Jam On It Fat Boys: Fat Boys Are Back Smokey Robinson Joan Jett and the Blackhearts Blue Oyster Cult Tweet Missy Elliot Kelly Clarkson Deadmaus5 Daft Punk Nic Pascal Head Klaus Schulze Tangerine Dream Ten Years After Mystic Moods orchestra Moody Blues Tim Preschler Charlie Daniel's Band he Band Perry Michelle Branch Vendetta Red Suicidal Tendencies Black Flag A-Ha Bonnie Tyler Genesis Murray Head Falco Cher Lloyd: I Want You Back Compressorhead The Trons TamDARE Squarepusher z-Machines Kromalaser Jean Michel Jarre Hootie and te Blowfish Eric Goodchild Arcattack Warren Zevon l'Trimm Joe Ski Love Boogie Boys Toddy Tee Badboys Lil Allen Kansas Asia New Found Glory: Head on Collision My Friends Over You All Downhill from Here Failure's Not Flattering [What's Your Problem] I Don't Want to Know P.O.D. Smash Mouth Third Eye Blind: Semi Charmed Life Jordesuvi S3RL: MTC MC Hammer U Can't Touch This Mungo Jerry: In the Summertime Norman Greenbaum: Spirit in the Sky Hot Chocolate Lenka: The Show Trouble is a Friend Whodini: We are Whodini Bad Company: Silver, Blue and Gold Roy Buchanon: In the Beginning Yngwie Malmsteen Beck: Lost cause Uncle Kracker: In a Little While Vanessa Carlton: The Corrs Wendy Carlos Juice Newton: Sho Full of Love Olivia Newton John Carly Simon Easy E Bones Thugs-N-Harmony: Take Me Home Sade: By Your Side System of a Down Rammstein: Isch Will u2; With or Without you Dire Straits J.Geils Band
monkees metallica maverics: Crying Shame led zepellin kiss journey killers iron maiden aerosmith roxanne shante effervescence uncle kracker limp biskit guns n roses chieftains hot chocolate parliament wild cherry
nwa Men without hats dmx def leppard quiet riot cat stevens utfo roberta flack the carpenters mc hammer joe satriani go go's black widow mystic moods moody blues elp electric light orchestra pat travers nic pascal ray stevens demon slayer roadrunner blondie veruca salt hellogoodbye paulina Rubio TYPES OF MUSIC I LIKE: ORCHESTRAL CLASSICAL ROCK HARD ROCK ACID ROCK SYNTHESIZER CELTIC RAP COUNTRY HIP HOP r&b
heavy metal MUSIC VIDEOS I LIKE:
SADE: by your side Rock Master Scott and The Dynamic Three: DJ Pick Up The Phone Bad Boys featuring K-Love: Inspector Gadget Newcleus: Jam On It Fat Boys: Fat Boys Are Back Smokey Robinson Joan Jett and the Blackhearts Blue Oyster Cult Tweet Missy Elliot Kelly Clarkson Deadmaus5 Daft Punk Nic Pascal Head Klaus Schulze Tangerine Dream Ten Years After Mystic Moods orchestra Moody Blues Tim Preschler Charlie Daniel's Band he Band Perry Michelle Branch Vendetta Red Suicidal Tendencies Black Flag A-Ha Bonnie Tyler Genesis Murray Head Falco Cher Lloyd: I Want You Back Compressorhead The Trons TamDARE Squarepusher z-Machines Kromalaser Jean Michel Jarre Hootie and te Blowfish Eric Goodchild Arcattack Warren Zevon l'Trimm Joe Ski Love Boogie Boys Toddy Tee Badboys Lil Allen Kansas Asia New Found Glory: Head on Collision My Friends Over You All Downhill from Here Failure's Not Flattering [What's Your Problem] I Don't Want to Know P.O.D. Smash Mouth Third Eye Blind: Semi Charmed Life Jordesuvi S3RL: MTC MC Hammer U Can't Touch This Mungo Jerry: In the Summertime Norman Greenbaum: Spirit in the Sky Hot Chocolate Lenka: The Show Trouble is a Friend Whodini: We are Whodini Bad Company: Silver, Blue and Gold Roy Buchanon: In the Beginning Yngwie Malmsteen Beck: Lost cause Uncle Kracker: In a Little While Vanessa Carlton: The Corrs Wendy Carlos Juice Newton: Sho Full of Love Olivia Newton John Carly Simon Easy E Bones Thugs-N-Harmony: Take Me Home Sade: By Your Side System of a Down Rammstein: Isch Will u2; With or Without you Dire Straits J.Geils Band
Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman's Vengeance
Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman and the Chess Expert
Zatoichi: Master Ichi and a Chest of Gold
Zatoichi vs. Yojimbo
The Street Fighter's Last Revenge
The Street Fighter
Shaolin & Wu Tang
Return of the Street Fighter
The One
Once Upon a Time in China III
Once Upon a Time in China II
Iron Monkey
Five Element Ninjas
China O'Brien 2
Black Mask
Best of the Best 2
Best of the Best
The 36th Chamber of Shaolin
Jet Li's The Enforcer
Queen of the Damned
Alan & Naomi
Bruce Lee: Curse of the Dragon
After Innocence
Naked Weapon
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast & Furious
A Very Brady Sequel
Dark Star
Porky's 2: The Next Day
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie
Gone in 60 Seconds
Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
Bring It On: Fight to the Finish
Bring It On
Not Another Teen Movie
Al Capone
The Waterboy
The Virgin Suicides
We Were Soldiers
Dark Asylum
The 6th Day
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
The Terminator
Used Cars
Above Suspicion
Above the Law
The Accused
Fatal Instinct
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D
The Abyss
Lone Star State of Mind
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
The Blair Witch Project
Young Master
Tokyo Raiders
The Three Avengers
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li
The Street Fighter's Last Revenge
The Street Fighter
Sister Street Fighter
Ong Bak 2
Once Upon a Time in China III
Once Upon a Time in China II
Once Upon a Time in China
Ninja 3: The Domination
Nine Deaths of the Ninja
Kiss of the Dragon
The Legend of Drunken Master
The Last Dragon
Lady Dragon 2
Lady Dragon
Kill or Be Killed
Kill Bill Vol. 2
Kill Bill Vol. 1
The Kick Fighter
Jade Warrior
Iron Thunder
Immortal Combat
House of Traps
House of Flying Daggers
High Kick Girl
The Heroic Trio
Gods of Wu Tang
Gang Wars
Full Contact
Force of the Ninja
The Forbidden Kingdom
Fists of Iron
Fists of Blood
Fist of Steel
Fist of Legend
Fist of Fear, Touch of Death
Fearless Tiger
Enter the Ninja
Duel to the Death
Drunken Monkey
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
The Cobra
China White
China O'Brien 2
China O'Brien
Cage 2: The Arena of Death
The Bronx Executioner
The Bride with White Hair 2
The Bride with White Hair
Born Losers
The Bodyguard
Bloodsport 4: The Dark Kumite
Bloodsport 3
Bloodsport 2: The Next Kumite
Bloodfist 8: Hard Way Out
Bloodfist 6: Ground Zero
Bloodfist 5: Human Target
Bloodfist 4: Die Trying
Bloodfist 3: Forced to Fight
Bloodfist 2
Blind Rage
Blind Fury
Blackbelt 2: Fatal Force
Black Mask 2: City of Masks
Black Mask
Big Trouble in Little China
The Big Brawl
Best of the Best: Without Warning
Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back
Best of the Best 2
Best of the Best
American Streetfighter
American Shaolin: King of the Kickboxers 2
American Ninja 4: The Annihilation
American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt
American Ninja 2: The Confrontation
American Ninja
Jet Li's Fearless
18 Fingers of Death
Jet Li's The Enforcer
Romeo Must Die
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2
Atlantis, the Lost Continent
Jackass 3D
The JFK Conspiracy
Inside Deep Throat
Haxan: Witchcraft through the Ages
The Endless Summer 2
Bruce Lee: Curse of the Dragon
The Taking of Pelham 123
Running Scared
Naked Weapon
The Mechanic
Fast & Furious
District 13: Ultimatum
The Detonator
Blade: Trinity
Bangkok Dangerous
The Spy Next Door
Shaolin Soccer
Rush Hour 3
Rush Hour
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous
House of Fury
Charlie's Angels
Bounty Hunters 2: Hardball
The Accidental Spy
Glass House: The Good Mother
The Glass House
Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol
Airplane 2: The Sequel
Porky's 2: The Next Day
The Hit List
Bring It On: All or Nothing
Bring It On: In It to Win It
Bring It On
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Terminator Salvation
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
The Terminator
Used Cars
Aftershock: Earthquake in New York
Above the Law
Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima
The Long Kiss Goodnight
Black Hawk Down
Altered States
The One
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence
Above Suspicion
Lone Star State of Mind
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
The Blair Witch Project
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie
Safe House
Safe House
RoboCop 2
RoboCop 3
Conan the Destroyer
Conan the Barbarian
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Bad Boys
Bad Boys
Big Momma's House
Big Momma's House 2
Mr. Nanny
Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult
Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear
Bad Boys
Bad Boys
Big Momma's House
Big Momma's House 2
Mr. Nanny
Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult
Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear
The Awakening
The Bounty Hunter
Broken Lullaby
A Knight's Tale
2069: A Sex Odyssey
Altered States
The Deer Hunter
Full Metal Jacket
popular mechanics
popular science
mother earth news
future music
research and developement
popular mechanics
popular science
mother earth news
future music
research and developement
Sexual Relations Chart
I ONLY had sex with females I thought I would marry
I ONLY had sex a total of 18 times; up to the year 2000
I was a virgin until the age of 28
the longest I had nonstop sex was for 18 hours
slender/petite/medium size
hair:blonde/green/blue/purple/or black
athletic build
weightlifter build
fighter/martial artist
20-45 years of age
english speaking is prefferable
shy type
high pitched voice
viet namese
saudi arabic
slender/petite/medium size
hair:blonde/green/blue/purple/or black
athletic build
weightlifter build
fighter/martial artist
20-45 years of age
english speaking is prefferable
shy type
high pitched voice
viet namese
saudi arabic
professional musician
auto mechanic helper
pipefitter helper
boat dock builder
frame carpenter
general carpenter
auto parts sales
heavy laborer
car salesman
wood finisher
storm blind repair/paint
industrial laborer
ray weld inspection helper
Boat trailer builder/ Welder
Seismographic Truck Builder
Engineer [Various]
ai alai
motocross motorcycling
road motorcycling/touring
off roading:4wd
off roading:dune buggy
fast car driving
atv riding
pistol/rifle/shotgun range shooting/freefiring
ai alai
motocross motorcycling
road motorcycling/touring
off roading:4wd
off roading:dune buggy
fast car driving
atv riding
pistol/rifle/shotgun range shooting/freefiring
music theory
chemical engineering technology
electronics engineering technology
nursing aand pharmacology
math:up to trigonometry
writing resumes
music theory
chemical engineering technology
electronics engineering technology
nursing aand pharmacology
math:up to trigonometry
writing resumes
STATUS:I am known by the Indians as a Bhudda[BUDDHA means enlightened one]
STATUS:I am known by the Indians as a Bhudda[BUDDHA means enlightened one]
SERVICE:United States Marine Corps
BASE/BOOT CAMP:MCRD/San Diego,California
MOS:professional musician
SERVICE:United States Marine Corps
BASE/BOOT CAMP:MCRD/San Diego,California
MOS:professional musician
i think of the female's desires firstly.i do not consider my own until her needs are satisfied
hold hands in public
kiss in public
passionately sexy
i think of the female's desires firstly.i do not consider my own until her needs are satisfied
hold hands in public
kiss in public
passionately sexy
high tech environment
simple lifestyle
sports playing
i am active
i love listening to/playing music
i love watching movies
i am very talkative to friends
i love challenges
i love a high stress environment
i love peacefullness
i love being happy
i love the sunrise on a beach
i cook for myself
i do my own housework
i have never been married
i am flirty
i love,and respect,females
i love to go shopping
i love to stay fit
i love a casual environment
i love a relaxed environment
i love a happy/cheerfull environment
Lifestyle Preferences:
Wilderness living
Cooking for myself
High tech
Simple lifestyle
Single life
High stress
Physical conditioning
Special Foods
TYPE:travel trailer
LENGTH:30'/10 meters
WIDTH:8'/2.67 meters
USES:capable of short or long distance travel
AVERAGE SPACE RENT:$370 including water/electrcity/internet/cable tv
Types of housing I prefer:
Popup Camper
Travel Trailer
Clas B Motorhome
Class A Motorhome
House up to 28' X 48'
go kart riding
body building
writing music
building furniture
snow sledding
bicycle riding
go kart riding
body building
writing music
building furniture
snow sledding
bicycle riding
3d chess
table tennis
air hockey
grand theft auto 3
3d chess
table tennis
air hockey
grand theft auto 3
My Favourite Foods
MY FAVORITE FOODS: macaroni and cheese/tuna casserole/hamburger sandwiches/cheeseburgers
canned corn/butter
pepperoni pizza/>spaghetti/meatballs/parmesan cheese/>brussel's sprouts in white sauce
cauliflower in white sauce
onion rings
ranch style beans
potatoe salad/mustard
mustard greens
granola bars
grape nuts cereal
cream of wheat
chicken chow mein
sirloin steak
dill pickles
peanut butter
welch's grape jelly
pancakes/maple syrup
waffles/maple syrup
potatoe soup
ritz crackers
graham crackers
banana pudding/vanilla wafers/bananas
pecan pie
chocolate cake
fudgefudge brownies
chocolate pudding
vanilla pudding
chocolate chip cookies
cookies n cream ice cream
vanilla ice creamchocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
chocolate chip cookies
oreo cookies
captain crunch cereal
oreohs cereal
fruit loops cereal
frosted flakes cereal
pop tarts:chocolate fudge
HAZELNUT COFFEE There are many hazards associated with meat consumption. Here are some of the hazards: [1] Chicken: Consumption of Chicken may result in salmonella illness. Though well cooked, many chickens still contain salmonella. [2] Fish: Consumption of fish may result in mercury poisoning. Drum fish re filled with worms; but, still eaten by many people. [3]Pork: Consumption of pork may result in trichinosis. Trichina worms are easily visible in the pork meat. [4] Sheep: Sheep may contain gonnorhea. [5] Beef: Consumption of beef may result in salmonella illness. In ALL cases, animals contain parasites that are harmfull; or deadly to humans. Proper cooking supposedly kills them; but, it is not feasible; nor preferable to eat them at all.
canned corn/butter
pepperoni pizza/>spaghetti/meatballs/parmesan cheese/>brussel's sprouts in white sauce
cauliflower in white sauce
onion rings
ranch style beans
potatoe salad/mustard
mustard greens
granola bars
grape nuts cereal
cream of wheat
chicken chow mein
sirloin steak
dill pickles
peanut butter
welch's grape jelly
pancakes/maple syrup
waffles/maple syrup
potatoe soup
ritz crackers
graham crackers
banana pudding/vanilla wafers/bananas
pecan pie
chocolate cake
fudgefudge brownies
chocolate pudding
vanilla pudding
chocolate chip cookies
cookies n cream ice cream
vanilla ice creamchocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
chocolate chip cookies
oreo cookies
captain crunch cereal
oreohs cereal
fruit loops cereal
frosted flakes cereal
pop tarts:chocolate fudge
HAZELNUT COFFEE There are many hazards associated with meat consumption. Here are some of the hazards: [1] Chicken: Consumption of Chicken may result in salmonella illness. Though well cooked, many chickens still contain salmonella. [2] Fish: Consumption of fish may result in mercury poisoning. Drum fish re filled with worms; but, still eaten by many people. [3]Pork: Consumption of pork may result in trichinosis. Trichina worms are easily visible in the pork meat. [4] Sheep: Sheep may contain gonnorhea. [5] Beef: Consumption of beef may result in salmonella illness. In ALL cases, animals contain parasites that are harmfull; or deadly to humans. Proper cooking supposedly kills them; but, it is not feasible; nor preferable to eat them at all.
dark purple
bright dark blue
bright dark green
bright dark orange
bright dark lime
bright gold
bright pink
bright dark turquoise
dark purple
bright dark blue
bright dark green
bright dark orange
bright dark lime
bright gold
bright pink
bright dark turquoise
CELEBRITIES I LIKE[these are the most beautifull of all.]
Barbara Eden
Olivia D'Arbo
Fairuza Balk
Halle Berry
Lucy Liu
Chiaki Kuriama
MUSICIANS I LOVE: Vanessa Carlton
Avril Lavigne
Britney Spears
Hayley Westenra
Lisa Lopez
Juliette Bergman
Miss Shadows
Ching Ami Yau
OTHERS I LOVE:Leeza Gibbons
Juliana Mauriello
Rachael Ray
Barbara Eden
Olivia D'Arbo
Fairuza Balk
Halle Berry
Lucy Liu
Chiaki Kuriama
MUSICIANS I LOVE: Vanessa Carlton
Avril Lavigne
Britney Spears
Hayley Westenra
Lisa Lopez
Juliette Bergman
Miss Shadows
Ching Ami Yau
OTHERS I LOVE:Leeza Gibbons
Juliana Mauriello
Rachael Ray
SMOKING:2 packs a day.i am trying to quit
ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION:i do not drink alcohol
DRUGS:I do not take drugs
SWEARING:only if i get furious
ARGUING:never.i opt to debate or discuss issues
ENEMIES:everyone is my friend until they prove differently;except
hardened criminals
LYING:never.i always tell the truth.if i have something i do not
desire someone to know,i change the subject;or tell them i
do not desire to dicuss the subject.
ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION:i do not drink alcohol
DRUGS:I do not take drugs
SWEARING:only if i get furious
ARGUING:never.i opt to debate or discuss issues
ENEMIES:everyone is my friend until they prove differently;except
hardened criminals
LYING:never.i always tell the truth.if i have something i do not
desire someone to know,i change the subject;or tell them i
do not desire to dicuss the subject.
MY WEIGHT:140 pounds
MY HAIR COLOR:dark blonde
MY WAIST SIZE:32 inches
FOOT SIZE:10 1/2"
MY WEIGHT:140 pounds
MY HAIR COLOR:dark blonde
MY WAIST SIZE:32 inches
FOOT SIZE:10 1/2"
my name is Robert Hocker.i am gentle,kind,compassionate,generous,stubborn, spontaneous, loving,caring,sympathetic,persistent,mellow tempered,attentive,i love to listen to people,sports minded,athletic,i love playing video games,i love watching video music/movies,i love to play soccer/basketball/baseball/riding bicycles,i love playing table tennis/pool/billiards/foosball,i love making friends worldwide,and i love happiness.
i am very poor and presently unemployed.
i am very poor and presently unemployed.
in these blogs,i will explain my entire life experiences,who i am;and my future plans.
This is a general summary of my life:
[1]Before birth, I awoke. It was totally dark around me. I tried to search for a way out of my encapsulement. I could
not move. I thought of looking beyond the dark walls. I saw a statue of the "Mother Mary" between 2 windows in a
room. The room was empty. I realized I was not breathing. I thought of how to breathe. I took a small, slow breath
through my nose. I felt a thick liquid similar to the viscosity [thickness] of pancake syrup go to my sinus. I
breathed out. Afterwards, I "blacked" out. Everything turned dark. I do not remember anything until after birth.
[2]At 12:45 P.M. June 1, 1955, I was born. I died 3 times after birth. The doctor gave me 2 blood infusions; at
my "mother"'s command. The blood was 2 different types from my "Father" and "uncle". I was not expected to live.
I survived.
[3]During these years, I could not effectively communicate with anyone. I could not understand what anyone was trying
to say.
In these years, I attempted to communicate; but was unable
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